Nelson Areal
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of microblogging data for stock market prediction: Using Twitter to predict returns, volatility, trading volume and survey sentiment indices
N Oliveira, P Cortez, N Areal
Expert Systems with Applications 73, 125-144, 2017
The performance of European socially responsible funds
MC Cortez, F Silva, N Areal
Journal of business ethics 87 (4), 573-588, 2009
Indicators used to measure service innovation and manufacturing innovation
FH Taques, MG López, LF Basso, N Areal
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 6 (1), 11-26, 2021
Students' perceptions of Blackboard and Moodle in a Portuguese university
A Carvalho, N Areal, J Silva
British Journal of Educational Technology 42 (5), 824-841, 2011
The realized volatility of FTSE‐100 futures prices
NMPC Areal, SJ Taylor
Journal of Futures Markets 22 (7), 627-648, 2002
Stock market sentiment lexicon acquisition using microblogging data and statistical measures
N Oliveira, P Cortez, N Areal
Decision Support Systems 85, 62-73, 2016
Socially responsible investing in the global market: The performance of US and European funds
MC Cortez, F Silva, N Areal
International Journal of Finance & Economics 17 (3), 254-271, 2012
Socially Responsible Investing in the Global Market: The Performance of US and European Funds
M Do Ceu Ribeiro Cortez, F Silva, N Brandão da Costa Areal
Nelson Manuel de Pinho, Socially Responsible Investing in the Global Market …, 2009
On the Predictability of Stock Market Behavior Using StockTwits Sentiment and Posting Volume
N Oliveira, P Cortez, N Areal
Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 355-365, 2013
Great Places to Work®: Resilience in Times of Crisis
A Carvalho, N Areal
Human Resource Management 55 (3), 479-498, 2016
The conditional performance of US mutual funds over different market regimes: do different types of ethical screens matter?
N Areal, MC Cortez, F Silva
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 27 (4), 397-429, 2013
Some experiments on modeling stock market behavior using investor sentiment analysis and posting volume from Twitter
N Oliveira, P Cortez, N Areal
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2013
When times get tough, gold is golden
N Areal, B Oliveira, R Sampaio
The European Journal of Finance, 1-20, 2013
On improving the least squares Monte Carlo option valuation method
N Areal, A Rodrigues, MR Armada
Review of Derivatives Research 11 (1-2), 119-151, 2008
On Improving the Least Squares Monte Carlo Option Valuation Method
N Brandão da Costa Areal, A Rodrigues, M Rocha Armada
Review of Derivatives Research, Forthcoming, 2008
Automatic creation of stock market lexicons for sentiment analysis using StockTwits data
N Oliveira, P Cortez, N Areal
Proceedings of the 18th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2014
Evaluating student allocation in the Portuguese public higher education system
M Portela, N Areal, C Sá, F Alexandre, J Cerejeira, A Carvalho, ...
Higher Education 56 (2), 185-203, 2008
Investing in Mutual Funds: Does it Pay to Be a Sinner or a Saint in Times of Crisis?
MPB da Costa, N Areal, M Do Ceu Ribeiro Cortez, FCC Campos da Silva
Investing in Mutual Funds: Does it Pay to be a Sinner or a Saint in Times of Crisis?
N Areal, MC Cortez, F Silva
University of Minho,(September 13, 2010), 2010
FTSE-100 implied volatility index
N Brandão da Costa Areal
Available at SSRN 1102135, 2008
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Articles 1–20