Fei Liu
Fei Liu
Associate professor at Qingdao University of Science and Technology
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Copper recovery combined with electricity production in a microbial fuel cell
AT Heijne, F Liu, R Weijden, J Weijma, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
Environmental science & technology 44 (11), 4376-4381, 2010
Effect of additional charging and current density on the performance of Capacitive energy extraction based on Donnan Potential
F Liu, O Schaetzle, BB Sales, M Saakes, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
Energy & environmental science 5 (9), 8642-8650, 2012
Impact of natural organic matter and inorganic solutes on energy recovery from five real salinity gradients using reverse electrodialysis
RS Kingsbury, F Liu, S Zhu, C Boggs, MD Armstrong, DF Call, O Coronell
Journal of Membrane Science 541, 621-632, 2017
Performance of a scaled-up Microbial Fuel Cell with iron reduction as the cathode reaction
A Ter Heijne, F Liu, LS Van Rijnsoever, M Saakes, HVM Hamelers, ...
Journal of Power Sources 196 (18), 7572-7577, 2011
Electrochemical characterization of a supercapacitor flow cell for power production from salinity gradients
BB Sales, F Liu, O Schaetzle, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
Electrochimica acta 86, 298-304, 2012
Efficient separation and recovery of cobalt (II) and lithium (I) from spent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) by polymer inclusion membrane electrodialysis (PIMED)
B Wang, F Liu, F Zhang, M Tan, H Jiang, Y Liu, Y Zhang
Chemical Engineering Journal 430, 132924, 2022
Faster time response by the use of wire electrodes in capacitive salinity gradient energy systems
OS Burheim, F Liu, BB Sales, O Schaetzle, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (36), 19203-19210, 2012
Impact of wire geometry in energy extraction from salinity differences using capacitive technology
BB Sales, OS Burheim, F Liu, O Schaetzle, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
Environmental science & technology 46 (21), 12203-12208, 2012
Polyelectrolyte-versus membrane-coated electrodes for energy production by capmix salinity exchange methods
MM Fernandez, RM Wagterveld, S Ahualli, F Liu, AV Delgado, ...
Journal of Power Sources 302, 387-393, 2016
Carbon nanotube yarns as strong flexible conductive capacitive electrodes
F Liu, RM Wagterveld, B Gebben, MJ Otto, PM Biesheuvel, ...
Colloid and Interface Science Communications 3, 9-12, 2014
Electricity generation using continuously recirculated flow electrodes in reverse electrodialysis
F Liu, O Coronell, DF Call
Journal of Power Sources 355, 206-210, 2017
Effect of solution composition on the energy production by capacitive mixing in membrane-electrode assembly
S Ahualli, MM Fernandez, G Iglesias, ML Jiménez, F Liu, M Wagterveld, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (29), 15590-15599, 2014
Auto generative capacitive mixing for power conversion of sea and river water by the use of membranes
O Burheim, BB Sales, O Schaetzle, F Liu, HVM Hamelers
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 135 (1), 011601, 2013
Parallel up-scaling of Capacitive Mixing (CapMix) system enhances the specific performance
F Liu, TFW Donkers, RM Wagterveld, O Schaetzle, M Saakes, ...
Electrochimica Acta 187, 104-112, 2016
Transport of amino acids in soy sauce desalination process by electrodialysis
M Wang, S Kuang, X Wang, D Kang, D Mao, G Qian, X Cai, M Tan, F Liu, ...
Membranes 11 (6), 408, 2021
Temporal variation of power production via reverse electrodialysis using coastal North Carolina waters and its correlation to temperature and conductivity
EH Hossen, ZE Gobetz, RS Kingsbury, F Liu, HC Palko, LL Dubbs, ...
Desalination 491, 114562, 2020
Antibiotic removal efficiency by microalgae: A systematic analysis combined with meta-analysis
W Lu, C Xu, F Liu, M Su, S Cheng, Y Zhang
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 174, 912-920, 2023
Capacitive neutralization dialysis for direct energy generation
Y Liu, Y Zhang, W Ou-Yang, B Bastos Sales, Z Sun, F Liu, R Zhao
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (16), 9363-9370, 2017
Effect of cross-chamber flow electrode recirculation on pH and faradaic reactions in capacitive deionization
F Liu, O Coronell, DF Call
Desalination 492, 114600, 2020
Effect of osmotic ballast properties on the performance of a concentration gradient battery
F Liu, RS Kingsbury, JJ Rech, W You, O Coronell
Water Research 212, 118076, 2022
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Articles 1–20