David Rotger
David Rotger
Chief of Software R&D Department
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Cited by
Late stent recoil of the bioabsorbable everolimus-eluting coronary stent and its relationship with plaque morphology
S Tanimoto, N Bruining, RT van Domburg, D Rotger, P Radeva, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 52 (20), 1616-1620, 2008
Systems and methods for performing an image-based gating procedure during an IVUS imaging procedure
C Gatta, PI Radeva, JM Ferré, OP Vila, O Rodriguez, D Rotger, ...
US Patent 8,396,276, 2013
Near real-time plaque segmentation of IVUS
O Pujol, D Rotger, P Radeva, O Rodriguez, J Mauri
Computers in Cardiology, 2003, 69-72, 2003
Corresponding IVUS and angiogram image data
D Rotger, P Radeva, C Canero, J Villanueva, J Mauri, E Fernandez, ...
Computers in Cardiology 2001. Vol. 28 (Cat. No. 01CH37287), 273-276, 2001
Automatic detection of bioabsorbable coronary stents in ivus images using a cascade of classifiers
D Rotger, P Radeva, N Bruining
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 14 (2), 535-537, 2009
Active Vessel: A New Multimedia Workstation for Intravascular Ultrasound and Angiography Fusion
D Rotger, M Rosales, J Garcia, V Pujol, J Mauri, P Radeva
Computers in Cardiology 30, 65-68, 2003
Multimodal registration of intravascular ultrasound images and angiography
D Rotger, P Radeva, E Fernández-Nofrerías, J Mauri
Proceedings of the XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Espanola de Ingenieria …, 2002
Blood detection in IVUS images for 3D volume of lumen changes measurement due to different drugs administration
D Rotger, P Radeva, E Fernández-Nofrerías, J Mauri
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 12th International Conference …, 2007
Internal and external coronary vessel images registration
D Rotger, P Radeva, J Mauri, E Fernández-Nofrerías
Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 5th Catalonian Conference on AI, CCIA …, 2002
Building and registering parameterized 3d models of vessel trees for visualization during intervention
G Langs, P Radeva, D Rotger, F Carreras
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
Contrast echography segmentation and tracking by trained deformable models
J Garcia, D Rotger, F Carreras, R Leta, P Radeva
Computers in Cardiology, 2003, 173-176, 2003
Image-based ECG sampling of IVUS sequences
A Hernandez, D Rotger, D Gil
2008 IEEE ultrasonics symposium, 1330-1333, 2008
Vessel tortuosity extraction from IVUS images
D Rotger, P Radeva, O Rodriguez
2006 Computers in Cardiology, 689-692, 2006
Multimodal data fusion for intelligent cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment in the active vessel medical workstation
M Dimitrova, C Roumenin, D Nikolov, D Rotger, P Radeva
Journal of Intelligent Systems 18 (1-2), 33-50, 2009
Blood Detection In IVUS Longitudinal Cuts Using AdaBoost With a Novel Feature Stability Criterion1
C Angulo, L Godo
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development 163, 197, 2007
An interface system based on multimodal principle for cardiological diagnosis assistance
M Dimitrova, C Roumenin, S Lozanova, L Lahchev, D Rotger, P Radeva
Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Computer systems and …, 2007
A Classifier of Technical Diagnostic States of Electrocardiograph
L Lahchev, M Dimitrova, D Rotger
Proc. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies …, 2006
Integration of multiple sensor modalities in active vessel cardiology workstation
P Radeva, M Dimitrova, C Roumenin, D Rotger, D Nikolov, JJ Villanueva
2004 2nd International IEEE Conference on'Intelligent Systems'. Proceedings …, 2004
ActiveVessel workstation: three-dimensional reconstruction of coronary arteries by fusion of angiography and intravascular ultrasound
OR Leor, D Rotger, J Mauri, E Nofrerias, A Tovar, A Duran, V Valle, ...
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 25, 550-550, 2004
Registering External and Internal Morphological Images of Coronary Vessels
P Radeva, D Rotger, E Nofrerias, J MauriÝ
Computer Vision Center, University Autonoma of Barcelona, 2002
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Articles 1–20