Dr. Lieselotte Blommaert
Dr. Lieselotte Blommaert
Sociology/Social Cultural Research, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the
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Cited by
Discrimination of Arabic-named applicants in the Netherlands: An internet-based field experiment examining different phases in online recruitment procedures
L Blommaert, M Coenders, F van Tubergen
Social forces 92 (3), 957-982, 2014
Implicit and explicit interethnic attitudes and ethnic discrimination in hiring
L Blommaert, F Van Tubergen, M Coenders
Social science research 41 (1), 61-73, 2012
Ethnic discrimination in recruitment and decision makers’ features: Evidence from laboratory experiment and survey data using a student sample
L Blommaert, M Coenders, F Van Tubergen
Social indicators research 116, 731-754, 2014
The role of different types of skills and signals in youth labor market integration
A Muja, L Blommaert, M Gesthuizen, MHJ Wolbers
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 11 (6), 2019
The gender gap in job authority: Do social network resources matter?
L Blommaert, R Meuleman, S Leenheer, A Butkēviča
Acta Sociologica 63 (4), 381–399, 2020
The vocational impact of educational programs on youth labor market integration
A Muja, L Blommaert, M Gesthuizen, MHJ Wolbers
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 64, 100437, 2019
Gender Equality in Appointments of Board Members: The Role of Multiple Actors and their Dynamics
L Blommaert, M van den Brink
European Management Review 17 (3), 633-647, 2020
The Vocational Specificity of Educational Systems and Youth Labour Market Integration: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
L Blommaert, A Muja, M Gesthuizen, MHJ Wolbers
European Sociological Review 36 (5), 720–740, 2020
Veroordeeld tot (g)een baan: Hoe delict- en persoonskenmerken arbeidsmarktkansen beïnvloeden.
C van den Berg, L Blommaert, C Bijleveld, S Ruiter
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 59 (1-2), 113-135, 2017
Examining ethno-religious labor market inequalities among women in the Netherlands
L Blommaert, N Spierings
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 61, 38-51, 2019
Employment opportunities for ex-offenders: A field experiment on how type of crime and applicants’ ethnic background affect employment opportunities for low-educated men in the …
CJW van den Berg, L Blommaert, C Bijleveld, S Ruiter
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 65, 100476, 2020
Are Joris and Renske more employable than Rashid and Samira? A study on the prevelance and sources of ethnic discrimination in recruitment in the Netherlands using experimental …
L Blommaert
Utrecht University, 2013
The effects of and support for anonymous job application procedures: evidence from a large-scale, multi-faceted study in the Netherlands
L Blommaert, M Coenders
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 50 (10), 2468-2490, 2024
De toename van vrouwen in leidinggevende functies
AG van der Lippe, A Doorne-Huiskes, E Blommaert
Understanding public support for workplace diversity and antidiscrimination policies in Europe
L Blommaert, M Coenders
Frontiers in Sociology 9, 1256751, 2024
Vrouwen in leidinggevende functies: Beschrijving en verklaring van ontwikkelingen in Nederland tussen 1985 en 2008.
L Blommaert, T Van der Lippe, I Maas, E Jaspers
Mens en Maatschappij 94 (1), 29-60, 2019
Meer parlementariërs zoals onszelf: Wie kiezen voor vrouwen, MBO’ers, dorpelingen en vakmensen?
N Spierings, T Sipma, L Blommaert
Versplinterde vertegenwoordiging: Nationaal kiezersonderzoek 2021, 66-75, 2021
Political elite discourses and majority members’ beliefs about the prevalence of ethnic discrimination in Europe
K Müller, L Blommaert, M Savelkoul, M Lubbers, P Scheepers
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 35 (2), edad003, 2023
Black box tussen aanbod, werving en selectie van vrouwen: Onderzoek naar genderpraktijken in de benoemingen voor leden van RvB’s en RvC’s in het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven.
M van den Brink, L Blommaert, B Leest, S Elfering …, 2016
Merging Ethnicity and Class: A Strategy for Mitigating Interethnic Tension and Income Inequality
E Campbell-Bethancourt, Ö Bilgili, L Blommaert, M Lubbers
OSF, 2024
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Articles 1–20