Seleshi G. Yalew
Seleshi G. Yalew
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
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Climate change impacts on renewable energy supply
DEHJ Gernaat, HS de Boer, V Daioglou, SG Yalew, C Müller, ...
Nature Climate Change 11 (2), 119-125, 2021
Impacts of climate change on energy systems in global and regional scenarios
SG Yalew, MTH van Vliet, DEHJ Gernaat, F Ludwig, A Miara, C Park, ...
Nature Energy 5 (10), 794-802, 2020
Critical review of SWAT applications in the upper Nile basin countries
A Van Griensven, P Ndomba, S Yalew, F Kilonzo
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (9), 3371-3381, 2012
Land suitability analysis for agriculture in the Abbay basin using remote sensing, GIS and AHP techniques
SG Yalew, A Van Griensven, ML Mul, P van der Zaag
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2, 1-14, 2016
AgriSuit: A web-based GIS-MCDA framework for agricultural land suitability assessment
SG Yalew, A Van Griensven, P van der Zaag
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 128, 1-8, 2016
Distributed computation of large scale SWAT models on the Grid
S Yalew, A van Griensven, N Ray, L Kokoszkiewicz, GD Betrie
Environmental Modelling & Software 41, 223-230, 2013
Exploring ecosystem services trade-offs in agricultural landscapes with a multi-objective programming approach
JCJ Groot, SG Yalew, WAH Rossing
Landscape and Urban Planning 172, 29-36, 2018
Land-use change modelling in the Upper Blue Nile Basin
SG Yalew, ML Mul, A Van Griensven, E Teferi, J Priess, C Schweitzer, ...
Environments 3 (3), 21, 2016
Coupling land-use change and hydrologic models for quantification of catchment ecosystem services
SG Yalew, T Pilz, C Schweitzer, S Liersch, J van der Kwast, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 109, 315-328, 2018
Distributive justice and sustainability goals in transboundary rivers: case of the Nile Basin
SG Yalew, J Kwakkel, N Doorn
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 590954, 2021
Climate change impacts on the energy system: a model comparison
V Zapata, DEHJ Gernaat, SG Yalew, SRS da Silva, G Iyer, M Hejazi, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (3), 034036, 2022
Impacts of climate change on energy systems in global and regional scenarios. Nat Energy 5: 794–802
SG Yalew, MTH van Vliet, D Gernaat, F Ludwig, A Miara, C Park, E Byers, ...
Land use change and suitability assessment in the Upper Blue Nile basin under water resources and socio-economic constraints: a drive towards a decision support system
S Yalew, E Teferi, A Van Griensven, S Uhlenbrook, M Mul, ...
Critical review of the application of SWAT in the upper Nile Basin countries.
A Van Griensven, P Ndomba, S Yalew, F Kilonzo
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions 9 (3), 2012
Parallel computing of a large scale spatially distributed model using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool
SG Yalewa, A Van Griensvena, L Kokoszkiewiczb
Ottawa: School of Computer Science University of Guelph, 2010
A framework for coupling land use and hydrological modelling for management of ecosystem services
J van der Kwast, S Yalew, C Dickens, L Quayle, J Reinhardt, S Liersch, ...
International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis 1 (5), 230-236, 2013
Parallel computing of a large scale spatially distributed model using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
S Yalew, A Van Griensven, L Kokoszkiewicz
Dynamic feedback between land use and hydrology for ecosystem services assessment
GS Yalew, P Tobias, C Schweitzer, S Liersch, J Van Der Kwast, ML Mul, ...
Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and …, 2014
Assessment of meteorological drought impacts on rainfed agriculture using remote sensing–derived biomass productivity
MR Al-Kilani, J Al-Bakri, M Rahbeh, Q Abdelal, S Yalew, M Mul
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196 (10), 879, 2024
Estimating agricultural water productivity using remote sensing derived data
C Safi, S Pareeth, S Yalew, P van der Zaag, M Mul
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 10 (1), 1203-1213, 2024
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