Karen D. Könings, PhD
Karen D. Könings, PhD
Associate Professor, Maastricht University, FHML, SHE; Honorary Professor, University of East Anglia
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Towards more powerful learning environments through combining the perspectives of designers, teachers, and students
KD Könings, S Brand‐Gruwel, JJG Van Merriënboer
British Journal of Educational Psychology 75 (4), 645-660, 2005
Declarative knowledge and professional vision in teacher education: Effect of courses in teaching and learning
K Stürmer, KD Könings, T Seidel
British Journal of Educational Psychology 83 (3), 467-483, 2013
How experts deal with novel situations: A review of adaptive expertise
KB Carbonell, RE Stalmeijer, KD Könings, M Segers, ...
Educational research review 12, 14-29, 2014
The promised land of blended learning: Quizzes as a moderator.
JJG Spanjers, I. A. E., Könings, K. D., Leppink, J., Verstegen, D. M. L., De ...
Educational Research Review 15, 59-74, 2015
Participatory design of learning environments: integrating perspectives of students, teachers, and designers
KD Könings, T Seidel, JJG van Merriënboer
Instructional Science 42 (1), 1-9, 2014
Teachers’ perspectives on innovations: Implications for educational design
KD Könings, S Brand-Gruwel, JJG Van Merrienboer
Teaching and teacher education 23 (6), 985-997, 2007
Twelve tips to promote a feedback culture with a growth mind-set: Swinging the feedback pendulum from recipes to relationships
S Ramani, KD Könings, S Ginsburg, CPM van der Vleuten
Medical teacher 41 (6), 625-631, 2019
Teachers as participatory designers: Two case studies with technology-enhanced learning environments
R Cober, E Tan, J Slotta, HJ So, KD Könings
Instructional Science 43, 203-228, 2015
Barriers to the uptake and use of feedback in the context of summative assessment
CJ Harrison, KD Könings, L Schuwirth, V Wass, C van der Vleuten
Advances in Health Sciences Education 20, 229 –245, 2015
Differences between students’ and teachers’ perceptions of education: Profiles to describe congruence and friction
KD Könings, T Seidel, S Brand-Gruwel, JJG van Merriënboer
Instructional science 42, 11-30, 2014
Learner involvement in the co-creation of teaching and learning: AMEE Guide No. 138
KD Könings, S Mordang, F Smeenk, L Stassen, S Ramani
Medical teacher 43 (8), 924-936, 2021
The R2C2 model in residency education: how does it foster coaching and promote feedback use?
J Sargeant, JM Lockyer, K Mann, H Armson, A Warren, M Zetkulic, ...
Academic Medicine 93 (7), 1055-1063, 2018
About politeness, face, and feedback: exploring resident and faculty perceptions of how institutional feedback culture influences feedback practices
S Ramani, KD Könings, KV Mann, EE Pisarski, CPM van der Vleuten
Academic Medicine 93 (9), 1348-1358, 2018
“It's just not the culture”: a qualitative study exploring residents' perceptions of the impact of institutional culture on feedback
S Ramani, SE Post, K Könings, K Mann, JT Katz, C van der Vleuten
Teaching and learning in medicine 29 (2), 153-161, 2017
Towards an interdisciplinary model of practice for participatory building design in education
KD Könings, C Bovill, P Woolner
European Journal of Education 52 (3), 306-317, 2017
Changing the culture of assessment: the dominance of the summative assessment paradigm
CJ Harrison, KD Könings, LWT Schuwirth, V Wass, CPM van der Vleuten
BMC medical education 17 (73), 1-14, 2017
Factors influencing students’ receptivity to formative feedback emerging from different assessment cultures
CJ Harrison, KD Könings, EF Dannefer, LWT Schuwirth, V Wass, ...
Perspectives on medical education 5, 276-284, 2016
Does a new learning environment come up to students' expectations? A longitudinal study.
KD Könings, S Brand-Gruwel, JJG van Merriënboer, NJ Broers
Journal of Educational Psychology 100 (3), 535, 2008
Identifying coaching skills to improve feedback use in postgraduate medical education
H Armson, JM Lockyer, M Zetkulic, KD Könings, J Sargeant
Medical Education 53 (5), 477-493, 2019
An approach to participatory instructional design in secondary education: an exploratory study
KD Könings, S Brand-Gruwel, JJG van Merriënboer
Educational Research 52 (1), 45-59, 2010
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