Sander van Haperen
Cited by
Cited by
Building protest online: engagement with the digitally networked #not1more protest campaign on Twitter
S van Haperen, W Nicholls, J Uitermark
Social Movement Studies, 2018
The networked grassroots. How radicals outflanked reformists in the United States’ immigrant rights movement
WJ Nicholls, J Uitermark, S van Haperen
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (6), 1036-1054, 2016
The Swarm versus the Grassroots: places and networks of supporters and opponents of Black Lives Matter on Twitter
S van Haperen, J Uitermark, W Nicholls
Social Movement Studies, 2022
Mediated Interaction Rituals: A geography of daily life and contention in Black Lives Matter
S van Haperen, J Uitermark, A van der Zeeuw
Mobilization: An International Journal 25 (3), 295-313, 2020
Going national: how the fight for immigrant rights became a national social movement
WJ Nicholls, J Uitermark, S van Haperen
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019
Dynamics of Distinction and Solidarity within Social Movements: Explaining Relations between Privileged and Underprivileged Groups in the U.S. Immigrant Rights Movement
W Nicholls, J Uitermark, S van Haperen
Sociological Perspectives, 2021
Integrating System Dynamics and Action Research: Towards a Consideration of Normative Complexity: Comment on" Insights Gained From a Re-analysis of Five Improvement Cases in …
R Wehrens, L Oldenhof, M Heerings, V Petit-Steeghs, S Van Haperen, ...
International Journal of Health Policy and Management 12, 2023
Social Movements in Cities
S van Haperen
Oxford Bibliographies, 2021
Digitally Networked Grassroots: Social media and the development of the movement for black lives and immigrant rights movement in the United States
S van Haperen
University of Amsterdam, 2019
Dynamics of digitally networked leadership in #blacklivesmatter
S van Haperen, J Uitermark
First Monday, 2023
Algorithms as Cultural Objects. Exploring Topic Modeling to Investigate How People Tweet About Algorithms
D Beraldo, M Airoldi, S van Haperen
Annual International Communication Association Conference, 2022
Regioscan Waardenland: Duurzame inrichting medische zorg VVT
S van Haperen, J Schuurmans, I Wallenburg, N van Pijkeren, ...
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, 2021
Duurzame Medische Zorg in de Regio
J Schuurmans, I Wallenburg, N van Pijkeren, O van der Woerd, ...
De interactielogica van verzet: een dramaturgische analyse van escalatie tijdens een informatieavond
S van Haperen
Beleid & Maatschappij 45 (3), 268-287, 2018
Effecten van participatie meten: Onderzoeksrapport vaststelling meetinstrument derde generatie participatie in opdracht van Gemeente Amsterdam stadsdeel West
S van Haperen
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Articles 1–15