Understanding Responsible Innovation in Small Producers’ Clusters in Vietnam through Actor Network Theory (ANT) J Voeten, G De Groot, J De Haan, N Roome The European Journal of Development Research 27 (2), 289-307, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
Gender diversity and innovation: The role of women’s economic opportunity in developing countries D Ritter-Hayashi, PAM Vermeulen, J Knoben | 31 | 2016 |
Is that innovation?: Assessing examples of revitalized economic dynamics among clusters of small producers in Northern Vietnam J Voeten, J de Haan, G de Groot UNU-MERIT, Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on …, 2009 | 15 | 2009 |
Regulating the negative externalities of enterprise cluster innovations: lessons from Vietnam JJ Voeten, WA Naudé Innovation and Development 4 (2), 203-219, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Can small firms innovate? The case of clusters of small producers in Northern Vietnam J Voeten, J deHaan, G deGroot Entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development 96, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Gender training in aquaculture in Northern Vietnam: a report J Voeten, BJ Ottens Gender, Technology and Development 1 (3), 413-432, 1997 | 12 | 1997 |
Enabling innovation and productivity growth in manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises in low income countries J Voeten Tilburg University’s research project (EIP-LIc), 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Innovation in manufacturing SMEs in Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania: A grounded view on the research and policy issues J Voeten Entrepreneurship in Africa, 123-145, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Exports and innovation in emerging economies: firm-level evidence from South-Africa G Vannoorenberghe | 7 | 2015 |
Conceptualizing responsible innovation in craft villages in Vietnam J Voeten, N Roome, NT Huong, G de Groot, J de Haan Responsible Innovation 1: Innovative Solutions for Global Issues, 149-179, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Understanding Responsible Innovation in Small Producers’ Clusters in Northern Vietnam: A grounded theory approach to globalisation and poverty alleviation J Voeten Tilburg University, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Resolving Environmental and Social Conflicts: Responsible Innovation in Small Producers' Clusters in Northern Vietnam J Voeten, N Roome, G de Groot, J de Haan A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility, 243-262, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Criteria to define women entrepreneurs who own and manage micro and small enterprises: Working paper 1 in the framework of the project “Training for women in micro and small … J Voeten Maastricht, The Netherlands: Maastricht School of Management, 2002 | 6 | 2002 |
Promoting human capital and innovation in low income countries (LICs) J Voeten Policy brief DFID/Tilburg University research: Co-ordinated Country Case …, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
How do institutions matter in institutional capacity development J Voeten, S Parto The Hague: NUFFIC, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Emerging economies, institutional voids, and innovation drivers: A study in India J Voeten, AA Saiyed, DK Dutta | 4 | 2018 |
South Africa: Qualitative Study on Innovation in Manufacturing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs): Exploration of Policy and Research Issues J Voeten, B Marais Tilburg University, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Internal regulation of innovation externalities for development: Lessons from Vietnam J Voeten, W Naudé | 4 | 2013 |
Is that Innovation? J Voeten, J de Haan, G de Groot Assessing examples of revitalized economic dynamics among clusters of small …, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Ghana: Qualitative study on innovation in manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs): Exploration of policy and research issues J Voeten, W Baah-Boateng, M Danquah Tilburg University, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |