Paulo Andre Lima de Castro
Paulo Andre Lima de Castro
Aeronautics Institute of Technology
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Cited by
Expected utility or prospect theory: Which better fits agent-based modeling of markets?
PAL de Castro, ARB Teodoro, LI de Castro, S Parsons
Journal of Computational Science 17, 97-102, 2016
Agex: A financial market simulation tool for software agents
PAL De Castro, JS Sichman
Enterprise Information Systems: 11th International Conference, ICEIS 2009 …, 2009
Automated asset management based on partially cooperative agents for a world of risks
PAL de Castro, JS Sichman
Applied intelligence 38, 210-225, 2013
Mangan: Assisting colorization of manga characters concept art using conditional gan
FC Silva, PAL de Castro, HR Júnior, EC Marujo
2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3257-3261, 2019
A flow-based multi-agent data exfiltration detection architecture for ultra-low latency networks
RS Marques, G Epiphaniou, H Al-Khateeb, C Maple, M Hammoudeh, ...
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 21 (4), 1-30, 2021
Towards autonomous investment analysts—Helping people to make good investment decisions
PAL de Castro, R Annoni
2016 Future Technologies Conference (FTC), 74-80, 2016
Towards automated trading based on fundamentalist and technical data
CHD Araújo, PAL De Castro
Advances in Artificial Intelligence–SBIA 2010: 20th Brazilian Symposium on …, 2010
N-BEATS perceiver: a novel approach for robust cryptocurrency portfolio forecasting
A Sbrana, PA Lima de Castro
Computational Economics, 1-35, 2023
Towards Cooperation Among Competitive Trader Agents.
PAL de Castro, JS Sichman
ICEIS (4), 138-143, 2007
Modeling agents preferences based on prospect theory
P Castro, S Parsons
Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, 32-36, 2014
Developing and Assessing a Human-Understandable Metric for Evaluating Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations.
RMJO Silva, A Sbrana, PAL de Castro, NY Soma
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 16 (4), 2023
Enhancing classification accuracy through feature selection methods
ER Reis, PAL Castro, JS Sichman
XIII Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 1-12, 2016
Uma arquitetura para administração automatizada de ativos baseada em agentes competitivos.
PAL Castro
Universidade de São Paulo, 2009
mt5b3: A Framework for Building Autonomous Traders
PAL de Castro
CoRR, 2021
Menezes.(2009). Ambivalence and conservation behavior—The recycling of metal cans
P Castro, M Garrido, E Reis
Journal of Environmental Psychology 29, 24-33, 0
ITAndroids Humanoid Team Description Paper for RoboCup 2020
A Justa, C Silva, D Herculano, F Silva, G Misk, G Pereira, I Ribeiro, J Faria, ...
A Method to identify anomalies in stock market trading based on Probabilistic Machine Learning
ARB Teodoro, PAL de Castro
Journal of Autonomous Intelligence 2 (2), 42-52, 2019
Online learning applied to autonomous valuation of financial assets
PAL de Castro, MS Ribeiro
2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), 586-591, 2018
Towards modeling securities markets as a society of heterogeneous trading agents
PAL de Castro, S Parsons
International Workshop on Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce, 16-25, 2013
Uma infra-estrutura para agentes atuantes em múltiplos leilões simultâneos
PAL Castro, JS Sichman
SBC 2003 ENIA Anais: Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação-atalhos para o futuro, 2003
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Articles 1–20