Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of adopting IT governance on financial performance: An empirical analysis among Brazilian firms
GL Lunardi, JL Becker, ACG Maçada, PC Dolci
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 15 (1), 66-81, 2014
Analysing the relative efficiency of container terminals of Mercosur using DEA
LR Rios, ACG Maçada
Maritime Economics & Logistics 8, 331-346, 2006
Measuring user satisfaction with information security practices
GPZ Montesdioca, ACG Maçada
Computers & security 48, 267-280, 2015
Adoção de tecnologia de informação e seu impacto no desempenho organizacional: um estudo realizado com micro e pequenas empresas
GL Lunardi, PC Dolci, ACG Maçada
Revista de Administração 45 (1), 5-17, 2010
Antecedents of IT governance effectiveness: An empirical examination in Brazilian firms
GL Lunardi, ACG Maçada, JL Becker, W Van Grembergen
Journal of Information Systems 31 (1), 41-57, 2017
Using alternative scales to measure knowledge sharing behavior: Are there any differences?
M Oliveira, CMM Curado, ACG Maçada, F Nodari
Computers in Human Behavior 44, 132-140, 2015
Data science for business: benefits, challenges and opportunities
MM Medeiros, N Hoppen, ACG Maçada
The Bottom Line 33 (2), 149-163, 2020
„Digital Capabilities as Key to Digital Business Performance Full Paper‟
JC da Silva Freitas Junior, ACG Maçada, RA Brinkhues
Twenty-third Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1-10, 2017
Competitive advantage of data-driven analytical capabilities: the role of big data visualization and of organizational agility
MM Medeiros, ACG Maçada
Management Decision 60 (4), 953-975, 2022
Knowledge sharing barriers in global teams
M Wendling, M Oliveira, A Carlos Gastaud Maçada
Journal of Systems and Information Technology 15 (3), 239-253, 2013
Análise de eficiência dos bancos brasileiros: um enfoque nos investimentos realizados em tecnologia de informação (TI)
JL Becker, GL Lunardi, ACG Maçada
Production 13, 70-81, 2003
IT business value model for information intensive organizations
ACG Maçada, MM Beltrame, PC Dolci, JL Becker
BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 9, 44-65, 2012
Impacto da adoção de mecanismos de governança de tecnologia de informação (TI) no desempenho da gestão da TI: uma análise baseada na percepção dos executivos
GL Lunardi, JL Becker, ACG Maçada
Revista de Ciências da Administração 12 (28), 11-39, 2010
Teams’ innovation: getting there through knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity
C Curado, M Oliveira, ACG Maçada, F Nodari
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 15 (1), 45-53, 2017
Models for understanding the influence of supply chain governance on supply chain performance
PC Dolci, ACG Maçada, EL Paiva
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 22 (5), 424-441, 2017
Impacto da tecnologia da informação na gestão das cadeias de suprimentos: um estudo de casos múltiplos
ACG Maçada, LF Feldens, AM Santos
Gestão & Produção 14, 1-12, 2007
The financial impact of IT governance mechanisms' adoption: an empirical analysis with Brazilian firms
GL Lunardi, JL Becker, ACG Maçada
2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2009
Organizational performance through the donation and collection of interorganizational knowledge
F Nodari, M Oliveira, ACG Maçada
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 46 (1), 85-103, 2016
Tecnologia da informação na gestão da cadeia de suprimentos: o caso da indústria gases
RAM Bandeira, ACG Maçada
Production 18, 287-301, 2008
Medindo a satisfação dos usuários de um sistema de apoio à decisão
Anais do XXIV ENANPAD. Florianópolis, 2000
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Articles 1–20