Yudit Namer
Cited by
Cited by
Health Care for Refugees in Europe: A Scoping Review
AC Nowak, Y Namer, C Hornberg
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (3), 1278, 2022
Convergence theory and the salmon effect in migrant health
Y Namer, O Razum
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Public Health, 2018
LGBTQI+ refugees’ and asylum seekers’ mental health: A qualitative systematic review
A Nematy, Y Namer, O Razum
Sexuality Research and Social Policy 20 (2), 636-663, 2023
How can Schools of Public Health Actively Promote Peace?
Y Namer, L Wandschneider, J Middleton, N Davidovitch, O Razum
Public Health Reviews 42, 1604459, 2021
Access to Primary Care and Preventive Health Services of LGBTQ+ Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers
Y Namer, O Razum
Access to Primary Care and Preventative Health Services of Migrants, 43-55, 2018
Settling Ulysses: an adapted research agenda for refugee mental health
Y Namer, O Razum
International Journal of Health Policy and Management 7 (4), 294, 2017
Women’s voices on social media: the advent of feminist epidemiology?
C Miani, Y Namer
Emerging themes in epidemiology 18 (1), 7, 2021
Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers: Use and misuse of labels in public health research
J Wenner, Y Namer, O Razum
Refugee migration and health: challenges for Germany and Europe, 49-62, 2019
Kadına Psikolojik Eziyet Envanteri Kısa Formu Türkçe Uyarlaması
NC Ersoy, OS Hünler, Y Namer
Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi 20 (4), 2017
How schools in Germany shape and impact the lives of adolescent refugees in terms of mental health and social mobility
MD Podar, AM Freţian, Z Demir, O Razum, Y Namer
SSM-Population Health 19, 101169, 2022
The role of Europe’s Schools of Public Health in times of war: ASPHER statement on the war against Ukraine
L Wandschneider, Y Namer, N Davidovitch, D Nitzan, R Otok, L Leighton, ...
Public Health Reviews 43, 1604880, 2022
Discrimination as a Health Systems Response to Forced Migration
Y Namer, C Coşkan, O Razum
Health Policy and Systems Responses to Forced Migration, 195-211, 2020
Racism in public health services: A research agenda
Y Namer, L Wandschneider, S Stieglitz, D Starke, O Razum
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 1039963, 2022
Fighting racism in schools of public health
L Wandschneider, Y Namer, N Akbulut, O Razum
The Lancet 396 (10260), e66, 2020
" Categorical fetishism” and “othering” in (and through) migration research
Y Namer
Handbuch Migration und Gesundheit: Grundlagen, Perspektiven und Strategien, 2021
Surviving syndemics
Y Namer, O Razum
The Lancet 398 (10295), 118-119, 2021
Vulnerabilisation of refugees: Covid-19—related experiences from accommodation centres in Germany
V Penning, Y Namer, O Razum
Power in vulnerability: A multi-dimensional review of migrants …, 2021
‘Race’causes discomfort? Worse: it misleads
Y Namer, O Razum
European journal of public health 31 (1), 4-5, 2021
Narratives of being ‘left-behind’: Students’ accounts of academic displacement [Paper presentation]
Y Namer, E Düzen, O Hünler, MS Uysal, E Duman, M Hasates
2018 Annual IMISCOE Conference, 2-4, 2018
Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory Short Form-Turkish adaptation
N Cem Ersoy, OS Hünler, Y Namer
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 20 (4), 276-286, 2017
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Articles 1–20