Midas Meijs
Midas Meijs
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Robust Segmentation of the Full Cerebral Vasculature in 4D CT of Suspected Stroke Patients
M Meijs, A Patel, SC Leemput, M Prokop, EJ Dijk, FE Leeuw, FJA Meijer, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 15622, 2017
Analysis of perfusion MRI in stroke: to deconvolve, or not to deconvolve
M Meijs, S Christensen, MG Lansberg, GW Albers, F Calamante
Magnetic resonance in medicine 76 (4), 1282-1290, 2016
Image-level detection of arterial occlusions in 4D-CTA of acute stroke patients using deep learning
M Meijs, FJA Meijer, M Prokop, B van Ginneken, R Manniesing
Medical Image Analysis 66, 101810, 2020
Multiclass brain tissue segmentation in 4D CT using convolutional neural networks
SC Van De Leemput, M Meijs, A Patel, FJA Meijer, B Van Ginneken, ...
IEEE Access 7, 51557-51569, 2019
Artery and vein segmentation of the cerebral vasculature in 4D CT using a 3D fully convolutional neural network
M Meijs, R Manniesing
Medical Imaging 2018: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 10575, 394-399, 2018
Cerebral artery and vein segmentation in four-dimensional CT angiography using convolutional neural networks
M Meijs, SAH Pegge, MHE Vos, A Patel, SC van de Leemput, ...
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 2 (4), e190178, 2020
Color-mapping of 4D-CTA for the detection of cranial arteriovenous shunts
M Meijs, SAH Pegge, K Murayama, HD Boogaarts, M Prokop, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 40 (9), 1498-1504, 2019
Circle of Willis collateral flow in carotid artery occlusion is depicted by 4D-CTA
M Meijs, FE de Leeuw, HD Boogaarts, R Manniesing, FJA Meijer
World Neurosurgery 114, 421-426. e1, 2018
Automated multistructure atlas‐assisted detection of lymph nodes using pelvic MR lymphography in prostate cancer patients
OA Debats, M Meijs, GJS Litjens, HJ Huisman
Medical Physics 43 (6Part1), 3132-3142, 2016
The evaluation of multi-structure, multi-atlas pelvic anatomy features in a prostate MR Lymphography CAD system
M Meijs, O Debats, H Huisman
Medical Imaging 2015: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 9414, 208-214, 2015
Automated Image Analysis and Machine Learning to Detect Cerebral Vascular Pathology in 4D-CTA
M Meijs
Radboud University Nijmegen, 2020
The evaluation of a multi atlas multi organ segmentation for automatic lymph node detection in pelvic MR lymphography
MM Meijs
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2015
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