edwin de beurs
edwin de beurs
Arkin GGZ, Amsterdam & Leiden University
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Cited by
Anxiety and depression in later life: co-occurrence and communality of risk factors
ATF Beekman, E De Beurs, AJLM Van Balkom, DJH Deeg, R Van Dyck, ...
American Journal of psychiatry 157 (1), 89-95, 2000
Anxiety disorders in later life: a report from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam
ATF Beekman, MA Bremmer, DJH Deeg, AJLM Van Balkom, JH Smit, ...
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 13 (10), 717-726, 1998
Neurocognitive functions in pathological gambling: a comparison with alcohol dependence, Tourette syndrome and normal controls
AE Goudriaan, J Oosterlaan, E De Beurs, W Van Den Brink
Addiction 101 (4), 534-547, 2006
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of assessment instruments used in psychological research with children and families
BM Van Widenfelt, PDA Treffers, E De Beurs, BM Siebelink, E Koudijs
Clinical child and family psychology review 8, 135-147, 2005
The natural history of late-life depression: a 6-year prospective study in the community
ATF Beekman, SW Geerlings, DJH Deeg, JH Smit, RS Schoevers, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 59 (7), 605-611, 2002
Decision making in pathological gambling: a comparison between pathological gamblers, alcohol dependents, persons with Tourette syndrome, and normal controls
AE Goudriaan, J Oosterlaan, E de Beurs, W van den Brink
Cognitive brain research 23 (1), 137-151, 2005
Consequences of anxiety in older persons: its effect on disability, well-being and use of health services
E De Beurs, ATF Beekman, A Van Balkom, DJH Deeg, W Van Tilburg
Psychological medicine 29 (3), 583-593, 1999
Pathological gambling: a comprehensive review of biobehavioral findings
AE Goudriaan, J Oosterlaan, E de Beurs, W Van den Brink
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 28 (2), 123-141, 2004
The impact of depression on the well‐being, disability and use of services in older adults: a longitudinal perspective
ATF Beekman, BWJH Penninx, DJH Deeg, E Beurs, SW Geerlings, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 105 (1), 20-27, 2002
The MINI-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. A brief structured diagnostic psychiatric interview for DSM-IV en ICD-10 psychiatric disorders
IM Van Vliet, E De Beurs
Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie 49 (6), 393-397, 2007
De DASS: een vragenlijst voor het meten van depressie, angst en stress
E de Beurs, R Van Dyck, LA Marquenie, A Lange, RWB Blonk
Gedragstherapie 34 (1), 35-54, 2001
De brief symptom inventory (BSI)
E De Beurs, F Zitman
De betrouwbaarheid en validiteit van een handzaam alternatief voor de SCL-90 …, 2005
A patient-doctor relationship questionnaire (PDRQ-9) in primary care: development and psychometric evaluation
CM Van der Feltz-Cornelis, P Van Oppen, HWJ Van Marwijk, E De Beurs, ...
General hospital psychiatry 26 (2), 115-120, 2004
Brief symptom inventory, handleiding
E de Beurs
Leiden, The Netherlands, 2004
The role of self-reported impulsivity and reward sensitivity versus neurocognitive measures of disinhibition and decision-making in the prediction of relapse in pathological …
AE Goudriaan, J Oosterlaan, E De Beurs, W Van Den Brink
Psychological medicine 38 (1), 41-50, 2008
Routine outcome monitoring in the Netherlands: practical experiences with a web‐based strategy for the assessment of treatment outcome in clinical practice
E de Beurs, ME den Hollander‐Gijsman, YR van Rood, NJA Van der Wee, ...
Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 18 (1), 1-12, 2011
Psychophysiological determinants and concomitants of deficient decision making in pathological gamblers
AE Goudriaan, J Oosterlaan, E de Beurs, W van den Brink
Drug and alcohol dependence 84 (3), 231-239, 2006
Treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia: comparison of fluvoxamine, placebo, and psychological panic management combined with exposure and of exposure in vivo alone
E De Beurs, A Van Balkom, A Lange, P Koele, R Van Dyck
American Journal of Psychiatry 152 (5), 683-691, 1995
Prevalence and risk factors of posttraumatic stress disorder in older adults
WH Van Zelst, E De Beurs, ATF Beekman, DJH Deeg, R Van Dyck
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 72 (6), 333-342, 2003
Development and validation of a 30-item short adaptation of the Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire (MASQ)
KJ Wardenaar, T van Veen, EJ Giltay, E de Beurs, BWJH Penninx, ...
Psychiatry research 179 (1), 101-106, 2010
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Articles 1–20