Marc van Veldhoven
Marc van Veldhoven
Tilburg University, Department of Human Resource Studies
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Employee well‐being and the HRM–organizational performance relationship: a review of quantitative studies
K Van De Voorde, J Paauwe, M Van Veldhoven
International Journal of Management Reviews 14 (4), 391-407, 2012
Het meten van psychosociale arbeidsbelasting met een vragenlijst: de vragenlijst beleving en beoordeling van de arbeid (VBBA)
M Van Veldhoven, T Meijman
Nederlands Instituut voor Arbeidsomstandigheden (NIA), 1994
Beyond the demand-control model
AB Bakker, M Van Veldhoven, D Xanthopoulou
Journal of personnel psychology, 2010
Six key advantages and disadvantages of working from home in Europe during COVID-19
C Ipsen, M Van Veldhoven, K Kirchner, JP Hansen
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (4), 1826, 2021
Enriched job design, high involvement management and organizational performance: The mediating roles of job satisfaction and well-being
S Wood, M Van Veldhoven, M Croon, LM de Menezes
Human relations 65 (4), 419-445, 2012
Measurement quality and validity of the “need for recovery scale”
M Van Veldhoven, S Broersen
Occupational and environmental medicine 60 (suppl 1), i3-i9, 2003
Risk sectors for undesirable behaviour and mobbing
AB Hubert, M Van Veldhoven
European journal of work and organizational psychology 10 (4), 415-424, 2001
Attitude towards E‐HRM: an empirical study at Philips
M Voermans, M Van Veldhoven
Personnel review, 2007
Predicting group-level outcome variables from variables measured at the individual level: a latent variable multilevel model.
MA Croon, MJPM Van Veldhoven
Psychological methods 12 (1), 45, 2007
Cross‐level effects of high‐performance work practices on burnout: Two counteracting mediating mechanisms compared
B Kroon, K Van de Voorde, M Van Veldhoven
Personnel Review 38 (5), 509-525, 2009
Specific relationships between psychosocial job conditions and job-related stress: A three-level analytic approach
M Van Veldhoven, J De Jonge, S Broersen, M Kompier, T Meijman
Work & Stress 16 (3), 207-228, 2002
Moving European research on work and ageing forward: Overview and agenda
R Schalk, M Van Veldhoven, AH De Lange, H De Witte, K Kraus, ...
European journal of work and organizational psychology 19 (1), 76-101, 2010
Human Resource Management and the ability, motivation and opportunity to continue working: A review of quantitative studies
K Pak, DTAM Kooij, AH De Lange, MJPM Van Veldhoven
Human Resource Management Review 29 (3), 336-352, 2019
Handleiding VBBA 2e editie (Test manual QEEW 2nd edition)
M Van Veldhoven, T Meijman, S Broersen, R Fortuin
Stichting Kwaliteitsbevordering Bedrijfsgezondheidszorg, 2002
HRM well-being and performance: A theoretical and empirical review
R Peccei, K Van De Voorde, M Van Veldhoven
HRM & performance: Achievements & challenges, 15-45+ references, 2013
Working overtime hours: relations with fatigue, work motivation, and the quality of work
DGJ Beckers, D van der Linden, PGW Smulders, MAJ Kompier, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 1282-1289, 2004
When control becomes a liability rather than an asset: Comparing home and office days among part‐time teleworkers
M Biron, M Van Veldhoven
Journal of Organizational Behavior 37 (8), 1317-1337, 2016
Emotional labour in service work: Psychological flexibility and emotion regulation
M Biron, M Van Veldhoven
Human relations 65 (10), 1259-1282, 2012
Age, proactivity and career development
M Van Veldhoven, L Dorenbosch
Career development international, 2008
The relationship between work characteristics and employee health and well-being: how much complexity do we really need?
M Van Veldhoven, TW Taris, J de Jonge, S Broersen
International Journal of Stress Management 12 (1), 3, 2005
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