Jan Groenenberg
Jan Groenenberg
senior research scientist Wageningen University and Research
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Cited by
Use of speciation and complexation models to estimate heavy metal sorption in soils
LTC Bonten, JE Groenenberg, L Weng, WH van Riemsdijk
Geoderma 146 (1-2), 303-310, 2008
Impact of soil properties on critical concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, and mercury in soil and soil solution in view of ecotoxicological effects
W De Vries, S Lofts, E Tipping, M Meili, JE Groenenberg, G Schütze
Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology, 47-89, 2007
Transfer functions for solid‐solution partitioning of cadmium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc in soils: derivation of relationships for free metal ion activities and validation …
JE Groenenberg, P Römkens, RNJ Comans, J Luster, T Pampura, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 61 (1), 58-73, 2010
Evaluation of the single dilute (0.43 M) nitric acid extraction to determine geochemically reactive elements in soil
JE Groenenberg, PFAM Römkens, AV Zomeren, SM Rodrigues, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (4), 2246-2253, 2017
The use of assemblage models to describe trace element partitioning, speciation, and fate: a review
JE Groenenberg, S Lofts
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33 (10), 2181-2196, 2014
Pyrite oxidation, carbonate weathering, and gypsum formation in a drained potential acid sulfate soil
CJ Ritsema, JE Groenenberg
Soil Science Society of America Journal 57 (4), 968-976, 1993
Uncertainty analysis of the nonideal competitive adsorption− donnan model: effects of dissolved organic matter variability on predicted metal speciation in soil solution
JE Groenenberg, GF Koopmans, RNJ Comans
Environmental science & technology 44 (4), 1340-1346, 2010
Calculation of critical loads for cadmium, lead and mercury; background document to a mapping manual on critical loads of cadmium, lead and mercury
W De Vries, G Schütze, S Lofts, E Tipping, M Meili, P Römkens, ...
Alterra, 2005
Evaluation of the performance and limitations of empirical partition-relations and process based multisurface models to predict trace element solubility in soils
JE Groenenberg, JJ Dijkstra, LTC Bonten, W de Vries, RNJ Comans
Environmental pollution 166, 98-107, 2012
Carbon sequestration in soil and biomass following afforestation: experiences from oak and Norway spruce chronosequences in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands
L Vesterdal, L Rosenqvist, C Van Der Salm, K Hansen, BJ Groenenberg, ...
Environmental effects of afforestation in North-Western Europe: From field …, 2007
Derivation of partition relationships to calculate Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn solubility and activity in soil solutions
P Römkens, JE Groenenberg, LTC Bonten, W De Vries, J Bril
Alterra, 2004
Modeling of oxygen transport and pyrite oxidation in acid sulphate soils
JJB Bronswijk, K Nugroho, IB Aribawa, JE Groenenberg, CJ Ritsema
Journal of environmental quality 22 (3), 544-554, 1993
Use of reactive materials to bind phosphorus
WJ Chardon, JE Groenenberg, EJM Temminghoff, GF Koopmans
Journal of environmental quality 41 (3), 636-646, 2012
Effects of soil oven-drying on concentrations and speciation of trace metals and dissolved organic matter in soil solution extracts of sandy soils
GF Koopmans, JE Groenenberg
Geoderma 161 (3-4), 147-158, 2011
Reducing phosphorus loading of surface water using iron‐coated sand
JE Groenenberg, WJ Chardon, GF Koopmans
Journal of environmental quality 42 (1), 250-259, 2013
Effects of Flooding on pH of Rice‐Producing, Acid Sulfate Soils in Indonesia
CJM Konsten, N van Breemen, S Suping, IB Aribawa, JE Groenenberg
Soil Science Society of America Journal 58 (3), 871-883, 1994
Critical loads of heavy metals for soils
W de Vries, JE Groenenberg, S Lofts, E Tipping, M Posch
Heavy metals in soils: trace metals and metalloids in soils and their …, 2013
Transfer functions for solid–solution partitioning of cadmium for Australian soils
W De Vries, MJ McLaughlin, JE Groenenberg
Environmental Pollution 159 (12), 3583-3594, 2011
Models of geochemical speciation: Structure and applications
M Di Bonito, S Lofts, JE Groenenberg
Environmental geochemistry, 237-305, 2018
Application of the model NUCSAM to the Solling spruce site
BJ Groenenberg, H Kros, C van der Salm, W de Vries
Ecological Modelling 83 (1-2), 97-107, 1995
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Articles 1–20