José A. Iglesias
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Cited by
Two-dimensional shape optimization with nearly conformal transformations
JA Iglesias, K Sturm, F Wechsung
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (6), A3807-A3830, 2018
A note on convergence of solutions of total variation regularized linear inverse problems
JA Iglesias, G Mercier, O Scherzer
Inverse Problems 34 (5), 055011, 2018
In vivo imaging of emerging endocrine cells reveals a requirement for PI3K-regulated motility in pancreatic islet morphogenesis
J Freudenblum, JA Iglesias, M Hermann, T Walsen, A Wilfinger, D Meyer, ...
Development 145 (3), dev.158477, 2018
Shape-aware matching of implicit surfaces based on thin shell energies
JA Iglesias, M Rumpf, O Scherzer
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 18 (4), 891-927, 2018
Computing the yield limit in three-dimensional flows of a yield stress fluid about a settling particle
JA Iglesias, G Mercier, E Chaparian, IA Frigaard
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 284, 104374, 2020
Critical yield numbers of rigid particles settling in Bingham fluids and Cheeger sets
IA Frigaard, JA Iglesias, G Mercier, C Pöschl, O Scherzer
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 77 (2), 638-663, 2017
Extremal points and sparse optimization for generalized Kantorovich-Rubinstein norms
M Carioni, JA Iglesias, D Walter
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 1-42, 2023
Extremal points of total generalized variation balls in 1D: characterization and applications
JA Iglesias, D Walter
Journal of Convex Analysis 29 (4), 1251-1290, 2022
Influence of dimension on the convergence of level-sets in total variation regularization
JA Iglesias, G Mercier
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 26, 52, 2020
Schrödinger diffusion for shape analysis with texture
JA Iglesias, R Kimmel
Computer Vision – ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations, 123-132, 2012
On the Gamma-convergence of some polygonal curvature functionals
JA Iglesias, AM Bruckstein
Applicable Analysis 94 (5), 957-979, 2015
A Thin Shell Approach to the Registration of Implicit Surfaces
JA Iglesias, B Berkels, M Rumpf, O Scherzer
Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV 2013), 89-96, 2013
Conditional gradients for total variation regularization with PDE constraints: a graph cuts approach
G Cristinelli, JA Iglesias, D Walter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.19777, 2023
Convergence of level sets in total variation denoising through variational curvatures in unbounded domains
JA Iglesias, G Mercier
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 53 (2), 1509-1545, 2021
Critical yield numbers and limiting yield surfaces of particle arrays settling in a Bingham fluid
JA Iglesias, G Mercier, O Scherzer
Applied Mathematics & Optimization 82 (2), 399-432, 2020
Convective regularization for optical flow
JA Iglesias, C Kirisits
Variational Methods In Imaging and Geometric Control, 184-201, 2017
Boundedness and unboundedness in total variation regularization
K Bredies, JA Iglesias, G Mercier
Applied Mathematics & Optimization 88 (2), 51, 2023
Weak formulations of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation in biomolecular electrostatics
JA Iglesias, S Nakov
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 511 (1), 126065, 2022
Convergence of level sets in fractional Laplacian regularization
JA Iglesias, G Mercier
Inverse Problems 38 (12), 124003, 2022
Symmetry and scaling limits for matching of implicit surfaces based on thin shell energies
JA Iglesias
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 55 (3), 1133-1161, 2021
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Articles 1–20