Nobu Shirai
Nobu Shirai
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Perception of motion trajectory of object from the moving cast shadow in infants
T Imura, MK Yamaguchi, S Kanazawa, N Shirai, Y Otsuka, M Tomonaga, ...
Vision Research 46 (5), 652-657, 2006
Asymmetry in the perception of motion-in-depth
N Shirai, MK Yamaguchi
Vision research 44 (10), 1003-1011, 2004
Asymmetry for the perception of expansion/contraction in infancy
N Shirai, S Kanazawa, MK Yamaguchi
Infant Behavior and Development 27 (3), 315-322, 2004
Asymmetrical cortical processing of radial expansion/contraction in infants and adults
N Shirai, D Birtles, J Wattam‐Bell, MK Yamaguchi, S Kanazawa, ...
Developmental Science 12 (6), 946-955, 2009
Anisotropic motion coherence sensitivities to expansion/contraction motion in early infancy
N Shirai, S Kanazawa, MK Yamaguchi
Infant Behavior and Development 29 (2), 204-209, 2006
Implied motion perception from a still image in infancy
N Shirai, T Imura
Experimental brain research 232, 3079-3087, 2014
How do infants utilize radial optic flow for their motor actions?: A review of behavioral and neural studies
N Shirai, MK Yamaguchi
Japanese Psychological Research 52 (2), 78-90, 2010
Asymmetry in the perception of motion in depth induced by moving cast shadows
T Imura, N Shirai, M Tomonaga, MK Yamaguchi, A Yagi
Journal of Vision 8 (13), 10-10, 2008
Early development of sensitivity to radial motion at different speeds
N Shirai, S Kanazawa, MK Yamaguchi
Experimental Brain Research 185, 461-467, 2008
Emergence of the ability to perceive dynamic events from still pictures in human infants
N Shirai, T Imura
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 37206, 2016
More rapid and stronger vection in elementary school children compared with adults
N Shirai, T Seno, S Morohashi
Perception 41 (11), 1399-1402, 2012
Stronger vection in junior high school children than in adults
N Shirai, T Imura, R Tamura, T Seno
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 563, 2014
Sensitivity to linear-speed-gradient of radial expansion flow in infancy
N Shirai, S Kanazawa, MK Yamaguchi
Vision Research 44 (27), 3111-3118, 2004
Infants’ sensitivity to shading and line junctions
T Imura, MK Yamaguchi, S Kanazawa, N Shirai, Y Otsuka, M Tomonaga, ...
Vision Research 48 (12), 1420-1426, 2008
Perception of elasticity in the kinetic illusory object with phase differences in inducer motion
T Masuda, K Sato, T Murakoshi, K Utsumi, A Kimura, N Shirai, ...
PloS one 8 (10), e78621, 2013
Looking away before moving forward: Changes in optic-flow perception precede locomotor development
N Shirai, T Imura
Psychological science 25 (2), 485-493, 2014
Reduction in sensitivity to radial optic-flow congruent with ego-motion
N Shirai, S Ichihara
Vision Research 62, 201-208, 2012
Effects of visual information presented by augmented reality on children’s behavior
N Shirai, L Kondo, T Imura
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 6832, 2020
The audiovisual tau effect in infancy
T Kawabe, N Shirai, Y Wada, K Miura, S Kanazawa, MK Yamaguchi
PLoS One 5 (3), e9503, 2010
Development of asymmetric vection for radial expansion or contraction motion: Comparison between school-age children and adults
N Shirai, S Endo, S Tanahashi, T Seno, T Imura
i-Perception 9 (2), 2041669518761191, 2018
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