Jeroen Imants
Jeroen Imants
Author; Former Associate Professor Radboud University Nijmegen
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Teacher learning and collaboration in innovative teams
JA Meirink, J Imants, PC Meijer, N Verloop
Cambridge journal of education 40 (2), 161-181, 2010
A model of teacher agency in professional development and school reform
J Imants, MM Van der Wal
Journal of curriculum studies 52 (1), 1-14, 2020
Teacher isolation and communication network analysis in primary schools
I Bakkenes, C De Brabander, J Imants
Educational Administration Quarterly 35 (2), 166-202, 1999
Experienced teachers' informal workplace learning and perceptions of workplace conditions
A Hoekstra, F Korthagen, M Brekelmans, D Beijaard, J Imants
Journal of workplace learning 21 (4), 276-298, 2009
Teachers’ sickness absence in primary schools, school climate and teachers’ sense of efficacy
J Imants, A Zoelen
School organisation 15 (1), 77-86, 1995
Teachers' and principals' sense of efficacy in elementary schools
JGM Imants, CJ De Brabander
Teaching and Teacher Education 12 (2), 179-195, 1996
Two basic mechanisms for organisational learning in schools
J Imants
European Journal of teacher education 26 (3), 293-311, 2003
Teacher learning as workplace learning
J Imants, K van Veen
International encyclopedia of education 7, 569-574, 2010
Training for the professional development of teachers
HH Tillema, JGM Imants
Professional development in education: New paradigms and practices, 135-150, 1995
Restructuring schools as a context for teacher learning
J Imants
International Journal of Educational Research 37 (8), 715-732, 2002
Departments as teams: Functioning, variations and alternatives
B Witziers, P Sleegers, J Imants
School Leadership & Management 19 (3), 293-304, 1999
Looking for cohesion: The role of search for meaning in the interaction between teacher and reform
J Luttenberg, K Veen, J Imants
Research papers in education 28 (3), 289-308, 2013
Designing education for professional expertise development
Q Elvira, J Imants, B Dankbaar, M Segers
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 61 (2), 187-204, 2017
School leaders' problem framing: a sense-making approach to problem-solving processes of beginning school leaders
P Sleegers, H Wassink, K Van Veen, J Imants
Leadership and policy in schools 8 (2), 152-172, 2009
Teachers’ enactments of workplace conditions and their beliefs and attitudes toward reform
J Imants, T Wubbels, JD Vermunt
Vocations and learning 6, 323-346, 2013
Reform as ongoing positioning process: The positioning of a teacher in the context of reform
J Luttenberg, J Imants, K van Veen
Teachers and teaching 19 (3), 293-310, 2013
The tension between organisational sub-structures in secondary schools and educational reform
J Imants, P Sleegers, B Witziers
School leadership & management 21 (3), 289-307, 2001
Towards a comprehensive and dynamic conceptual framework to research and enact professional learning communities in the context of secondary education
PV Meeuwen, F Huijboom, E Rusman, M Vermeulen, J Imants
European journal of teacher education 43 (3), 405-427, 2020
The adoption of Thinking Through Geography strategies and their impact on teaching geographical reasoning in Dutch secondary schools
F Hooghuis, J van der Schee, M van der Velde, J Imants, M Volman
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 23 (3 …, 2014
Cause maps and school leaders’ tacit knowledge
H Wassink, P Sleegers, J Imants
Journal of Educational Administration 41 (5), 524-546, 2003
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Articles 1–20