Emanuele Gatti
Emanuele Gatti
Guest Professor, Danube University Krems
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Body composition and survival in dialysis patients: results from an international cohort study
D Marcelli, LA Usvyat, P Kotanko, I Bayh, B Canaud, M Etter, E Gatti, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 10 (7), 1192-1200, 2015
Effects of telmisartan added to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on mortality and morbidity in hemodialysis patients with chronic heart failure: a double-blind, placebo …
G Cice, A Di Benedetto, S D'Isa, A D'Andrea, D Marcelli, E Gatti, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 56 (21), 1701-1708, 2010
Optimal convection volume for improving patient outcomes in an international incident dialysis cohort treated with online hemodiafiltration
B Canaud, C Barbieri, D Marcelli, F Bellocchio, S Bowry, F Mari, C Amato, ...
Kidney International 88 (5), 1108-1116, 2015
Optimization of anemia treatment in hemodialysis patients via reinforcement learning
P Escandell-Montero, M Chermisi, JM Martinez-Martinez, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 62 (1), 47-60, 2014
Contribution of polysulfone membranes to the success of convective dialysis therapies
SK Bowry, E Gatti, J Vienken
High-performance membrane dialyzers 173, 110-118, 2011
EuCliD (European Clinical Database): a database comparing different realities
D Marcelli, J Kirchgessner, C Amato, H Steil, A Mitteregger, V Moscardò, ...
Journal of nephrology 14, S94-S100, 2001
A new machine learning approach for predicting the response to anemia treatment in a large cohort of End Stage Renal Disease patients undergoing dialysis
C Barbieri, F Mari, A Stopper, E Gatti, P Escandell-Montero, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 61, 56-61, 2015
Impact of hemodialysis therapy on anemia of chronic kidney disease: the potential mechanisms
SK Bowry, E Gatti
Blood purification 32 (3), 210-219, 2011
Euclid: a medical register
H Steil, C Amato, C Carioni, J Kirchgessner, D Marcelli, A Mitteregger, ...
4th BSI International Conference, 2002
Effects of fluid overload on heart rate variability in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis
M Ferrario, U Moissl, F Garzotto, DN Cruz, A Clementi, A Brendolan, ...
BMC nephrology 15, 1-11, 2014
Online hemodiafiltration inhibits inflammation-related endothelial dysfunction and vascular calcification of uremic patients modulating miR-223 expression in plasma …
C Cavallari, S Dellepiane, V Fonsato, D Medica, M Marengo, M Migliori, ...
The Journal of Immunology 202 (8), 2372-2383, 2019
Prediction of the hemoglobin level in hemodialysis patients using machine learning techniques
JM Martínez-Martínez, P Escandell-Montero, C Barbieri, E Soria-Olivas, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 117 (2), 208-217, 2014
The role of microvesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells in tissue regeneration; a dream for tendon repair?
C Tetta, AL Consiglio, S Bruno, E Tetta, E Gatti, M Dobreva, F Cremonesi, ...
Muscles, ligaments and tendons journal 2 (3), 212, 2012
Data management and quality assurance for dialysis network
D Marcelli, V Moscardó, H Steil, M Day, J Kirchgessner, A Mitteregger, ...
Hemodialysis Technology 137, 293-299, 2002
Managing complexity at dialysis service centers across Europe
A Stopper, C Amato, S Gioberge, G Giordana, D Marcelli, E Gatti
Blood purification 25 (1), 77-89, 2006
Artificial intelligence models to stratify cardiovascular risk in incident hemodialysis patients
JI Titapiccolo, M Ferrario, S Cerutti, C Barbieri, F Mari, E Gatti, ...
Expert systems with applications 40 (11), 4679-4686, 2013
Heart rate as independent prognostic factor for mortality in normotensive hemodialysed patients.
G Cice, A Di Benedetto, A D'Andrea, S D'Isa, P De Gregorio, D Marcelli, ...
Journal of Nephrology 21 (5), 704-712, 2008
Performance of a predictive model for long-term hemoglobin response to darbepoetin and iron administration in a large cohort of hemodialysis patients
C Barbieri, E Bolzoni, F Mari, I Cattinelli, F Bellocchio, JD Martin, C Amato, ...
PLoS One 11 (3), e0148938, 2016
Use of Self-Organizing Maps for Balanced Scorecard analysis to monitor the performance of dialysis clinic chains
I Cattinelli, E Bolzoni, C Barbieri, F Mari, JD Martin-Guerrero, ...
Health care management science 15, 79-90, 2012
The rise of hemodialysis machines: new technologies in minimizing cardiovascular complications
C Tetta, T Roy, E Gatti, S Cerutti
Expert review of Cardiovascular Therapy 9 (2), 155-164, 2011
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Articles 1–20