Isti Surjandari
Isti Surjandari
Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Indonesia
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Model dinamis pengelolaan sampah untuk mengurangi beban penumpukan
I Surjandari, A Hidayatno, A Supriatna
Jurnal Teknik Industri 11 (2), 134–147-134–147, 2009
Designing a Permissioned Blockchain Network for the Halal Industry using Hyperledger Fabric with multiple channels and the raft consensus mechanism
I Surjandari, H Yusuf, E Laoh, R Maulida
Journal of Big Data 8, 1-16, 2021
Opinion mining on Mandalika hotel reviews using latent dirichlet allocation
R Annisa, I Surjandari
Procedia Computer Science 161, 739-746, 2019
Digital innovation: Creating competitive advantages
MA Berawi, N Suwartha, M Asvial, R Harwahyu, M Suryanegara, ...
International Journal of Technology 11 (6), 1076-1080, 2020
Text mining of twitter data for public sentiment analysis of staple foods price changes
I Surjandari, MS Naffisah, MI Prawiradinata
Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information 3 (3), 2015
Design of product placement layout in retail shop using market basket analysis
I Surjandari, AC Seruni
Makara Journal of Technology 9 (2), 1, 2010
Opinion mining from online reviews in Bali tourist area
P Prameswari, I Surjandari, E Laoh
2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology …, 2017
Data-driven fault diagnosis of power transformers using dissolved gas analysis (DGA)
A Dhini, A Faqih, B Kusumoputro, I Surjandari, A Kusiak
Int. J. Technol 11 (2), 388-399, 2020
Data mining application to detect financial fraud in Indonesia's public companies
AA Rizki, I Surjandari, RA Wayasti
2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology …, 2017
Extreme learning machine–radial basis function (ELM-RBF) networks for diagnosing faults in a steam turbine
A Dhini, I Surjandari, B Kusumoputro, A Kusiak
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 39 (7), 572-580, 2022
Developing conceptual design of high speed railways using value engineering method: Creating optimum project benefits
P Miraj, Y Abdurachman, E Tobing, A Ivan
Conjoint Analysis: Konsep dan Aplikasi
I Surjandari
Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Trisakti, 2010
Mining online reviews in Indonesia's priority tourist destinations using sentiment analysis and text summarization approach
P Prameswari, I Surjandari, E Laoh
2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology …, 2017
Estimating customer segmentation based on customer lifetime value using two-stage clustering method
PP Pramono, I Surjandari, E Laoh
2019 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management …, 2019
Assessing factors affecting safety violations of bus rapid transit drivers in the Greater Jakarta Area
DM Safitri, I Surjandari, RJ Sumabrata
Safety science 125, 104634, 2020
Petrol delivery assignment with multi-product, multi-depot, split deliveries and time windows
I Surjandari, A Rachman, F Dianawati, RP Wibowo
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization 1 (5), 375, 2011
Discovering spatial patterns of fast-food restaurants in Jakarta, Indonesia
DL Widaningrum, I Surjandari, D Sudiana
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 37 (8), 403-421, 2020
The Batch Sheduling Model for Dynamic multiitem, Multilevel Production in an assembly Job-Shop with Parrallel Machines.
I Surjandari, A Rachman, DA Purdianta, A Dhini
International Journal of Technology 1, 84-96, 2015
Neural network based system for detecting and diagnosing faults in steam turbine of thermal power plant
A Dhini, B Kusumoputro, I Surjandari
2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology …, 2017
Analyzing land use changes in tourism development areas: A case study of cultural world heritage sites on Java Island, Indonesia
DL Widaningrum, I Surjandari, D Sudiana
International Journal of Technology 11 (4), 688-697, 2020
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Articles 1–20