Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen
Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen
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Cited by
Energy efficiency of working vessels–A framework
M Lützen, LL Mikkelsen, S Jensen, HB Rasmussen
Journal of Cleaner Production 143, 90-99, 2017
Energy-efficient operational training in a ship bridge simulator
S Jensen, M Lützen, LL Mikkelsen, HB Rasmussen, PV Pedersen, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 171, 175-183, 2018
The need for knowledge modification in technology change: a framework to consider changes in domain complexity, knowledge and productivity
ES Madsen, LL Mikkelsen
Production Planning & Control 29 (2), 91-105, 2018
Implementing flexible parallelism for modular self-reconfigurable robots
M Bordignon, LL Mikkelsen, UP Schultz
Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots: First …, 2008
Towards intelligent optimization of offshore oil and gas production using multi-agent software systems
LL Mikkelsen, BN Jørgensen
SPE Western Regional Meeting, SPE-153815-MS, 2012
Application of multi-agent systems in offshore oil and gas production
LL Mikkelsen, BN Jørgensen
Proceedings of IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information …, 2012
Energy Efficient Operation of Offshore Supply Vessels–A Framework
LL Mikkelsen, M Lützen, S Jensen
15th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the …, 2016
Multi-Agents in the North Sea–The Case of Oil and Gas Production
LL Mikkelsen, Y Demazeau, BN Jørgensen
Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents …, 2011
Multi-layered satisficing decision making in oil and gas production platforms
L Lindegaard Mikkelsen, Y Demazeau, BN Jørgensen
Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 11th …, 2013
Demonstrating multi-layered MAS in control of offshore oil and gas production
L Lindegaard Mikkelsen, JR Næumann, Y Demazeau, BN Jørgensen
Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 11th …, 2013
Productivity? Domain complexity vs. tacit knowledge
ES Madsen, LL Mikkelsen
Det Danske Ledelsesakademi: Fleksibilitet i ledelse ud over og på tværs af …, 2012
Applying multi-agent systems to multi-objective simulation and control for offshore oil and gas production
LL Mikkelsen, BN Jørgensen
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium, 376-382, 2012
Towards Next Generation of Smart Fields Using Intelligent Online Multi-Objective Control
LL Mikkelsen, BN Jørgensen
SPE International Production and Operations Conference and Exhibition, SPE …, 2012
Vertical Integration of Multi-Layered Decision Making in Offshore Oil & Gas Production
LL Mikkelsen
Syddansk Universitet, 2013
Complex Domains Call for Automation but Automation Requires More Knowledge and Learning: A Paradox in Manufacturing and Offshore Oil and Gas Production
ES Madsen, LL Mikkelsen
4th World Conference on Production & Operations Management/19th …, 2012
Utilize the Green Transition to Redefine Business Models in Large-Scale Projects: Upgrading Inland Ferries With Batteries–A Case Study
LL Mikkelsen
Handbook of Research on Business Model Innovation Through Disruption and …, 2023
Energy efficiency of working vessels â A framework
M Lützen, HB Rasmussen, LL Mikkelsen, S Jensen
Journal of cleaner production, 2017
Opportunities and Challenges for Energy Efficient Operation of Working Vessels with Flexible Operation Profiles
LL Mikkelsen, HB Rasmussen, M Lützen, S Jensen
Green Ship Technology Conference, 2015
Vertical Integration of Multi-layered Decision Making in Offshore Oil Gas Production: Ph. D. Dissertation in Software Engineering
LL Mikkelsen
University of Southern Denmark, 2013
Application of Multi-Agent Systems in offshore Oil and Gas
LL Mikkelsen, BN Jørgensen
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Articles 1–20