The effects of enriched carbon dioxide atmospheres on plant—insect herbivore interactions ED Fajer, MD Bowers, FA Bazzaz Science 243 (4895), 1198-1200, 1989 | 362 | 1989 |
Gut microbes may facilitate insect herbivory of chemically defended plants TJ Hammer, MD Bowers Oecologia 179, 1-14, 2015 | 264 | 2015 |
The Effect of Nutrients and Enriched CO2 Environments on Production of Carbon-Based Allelochemicals in Plantago: A Test of the Carbon/Nutrient Balance … ED Fajer, MD Bowers, FA Bazzaz The American Naturalist 140 (4), 707-723, 1992 | 264 | 1992 |
Effects of plant age, genotype and herbivory on Plantago performance and chemistry MD Bowers, NE Stamp Ecology 74 (6), 1778-1791, 1993 | 260 | 1993 |
Response of generalist and specialist insects to qualitative allelochemical variation M Deane Bowers, GM Puttick Journal of chemical ecology 14, 319-334, 1988 | 223 | 1988 |
Immunological cost of chemical defence and the evolution of herbivore diet breadth AM Smilanich, LA Dyer, JQ Chambers, MD Bowers Ecology Letters 12 (7), 612-621, 2009 | 219 | 2009 |
The evolution of unpalatability and the cost of chemical defense in insects M. Deane Bowers University of Colorado, Boulder MD Bowers Insect chemical ecology: an evolutionary approach, 216, 1992 | 219 | 1992 |
Iridoid glycosides MD Bowers, GA Rosenthal, M Berenbaum Herbivores: Their Interactions with Secondary Plant Metabolites, 2nd ed …, 1991 | 203 | 1991 |
Aposematic Caterpillars: Life-Styles of the Warningly Colored and Unpalatable M. Deane Bowers MD Bowers Caterpillars: ecological and evolutionary constraints on foraging, 1331, 1993 | 168* | 1993 |
Iridoid glycosides and host-plant specificity in larvae of the buckeye butterfly,Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae) MD Bowers Journal of Chemical Ecology 10, 1567-1577, 1984 | 165 | 1984 |
Unpalatability as a defense strategy of Euphydryas phaeton (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) MD Bowers Evolution, 586-600, 1980 | 164 | 1980 |
Variation in food quality and temperature constrain foraging of gregarious caterpillars NE Stamp, MD Bowers Ecology 71 (3), 1031-1039, 1990 | 163 | 1990 |
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species suppress inducible plant responses and alter defensive strategies following herbivory AE Bennett, JD Bever, M Deane Bowers Oecologia 160, 771-779, 2009 | 159 | 2009 |
Genetic variation in defensive chemistry in Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae) and its effect on the specialist herbivore Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae) LS Adler, J Schmitt, MD Bowers Oecologia 101, 75-85, 1995 | 159 | 1995 |
Elevation-dependent temperature trends in the Rocky Mountain Front Range: changes over a 56-and 20-year record CR McGuire, CR Nufio, MD Bowers, RP Guralnick Public Library of Science 7 (9), e44370, 2012 | 157 | 2012 |
Chemical variation within and between individuals ofPlantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae) MD Bowers, NE Stamp Journal of chemical ecology 18, 985-995, 1992 | 151 | 1992 |
Soil nutrient effects on oviposition preference, larval performance, and chemical defense of a specialist insect herbivore KL Prudic, JC Oliver, MD Bowers Oecologia 143, 578-587, 2005 | 147 | 2005 |
Early stage of host range expansion by a specialist herbivore, Euphydryas phaeton (Nymphalidae) MD Bowers, NE Stamp, SK Collinge Ecology 73 (2), 526-536, 1992 | 145 | 1992 |
Fate of ingested iridoid glycosides in lepidopteran herbivores MD Bowers, GM Puttick Journal of Chemical Ecology 12, 169-178, 1986 | 141 | 1986 |
The role of iridoid glycosides in host-plant specificity of checkerspot butterflies MD Bowers Journal of Chemical Ecology 9, 475-493, 1983 | 141 | 1983 |