Kees van Kersbergen
Kees van Kersbergen
Department of Political Science, Aarhus University
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Social capitalism: A study of Christian democracy and the welfare state
K Van Kersbergen
Routledge, 2003
‘Governance’as a bridge between disciplines: Cross-disciplinary inspiration regarding shifts in governance and problems of governability, accountability and legitimacy
K Van Kersbergen, F Van Waarden
European Corporate Governance, 64-80, 2009
Do mainstream parties adapt to the welfare chauvinism of populist parties?
G Schumacher, K Van Kersbergen
Party Politics 22 (3), 300-312, 2016
Religion, Class Coalitions, and Welfare States
K Van Kersbergen
Cambridge University Press, 2009
The politics of international norms: Subsidiarity and the imperfect competence regime of the European Union
K Van Kersbergen, B Verbeek
European Journal of International Relations 13 (2), 217-238, 2007
Christian democracy
SN Kalyvas, K Van Kersbergen
Annual review of political science 13 (1), 183-209, 2010
Comparative welfare state politics
K Van Kersbergen
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Why and how do political actors pursue risky reforms?
B Vis, K Van Kersbergen
Journal of Theoretical Politics 19 (2), 153-172, 2007
Gender and welfare states: some theoretical reflections
J Bussemaker, K Van Kersbergen
Gendering welfare states, 8-25, 1994
To what extent did the financial crisis intensify the pressure to reform the welfare state?
B Vis, K Van Kersbergen, T Hylands
Social policy & administration 45 (4), 338-353, 2011
Two decades of change in Europe: the emergence of the social investment state
K Van Kersbergen, A Hemerijck
Journal of Social Policy 41 (3), 475-492, 2012
The declining resistance of welfare states to change?
K Van Kersbergen
The survival of the European welfare state, 37-54, 2003
The politics of subsidiarity in the European Union
K Van Kersbergen, B Verbeek
J. Common Mkt. Stud. 32, 215, 1994
The G reat R ecession and Welfare State Reform: Is Retrenchment Really the Only Game Left in Town?
K Van Kersbergen, B Vis, A Hemerijck
Social Policy & Administration 48 (7), 883-904, 2014
Neo-liberalism, the'third way'or what? Recent social democratic welfare policies in Denmark and the Netherlands
C Green-Pedersen, K Kersbergen, A Hemerijck
Journal of European Public Policy 8 (2), 307-325, 2001
Interests, identity and political allegiance in the European Union
CE De Vries, K Van Kersbergen
Acta Politica 42, 307-328, 2007
Contemporary research on social democracy
G Esping-Andersen, K Van Kersbergen
Annual Review of Sociology 18 (1), 187-208, 1992
Religion and the western welfare state: The theoretical context
P Manow, K Van Kersbergen
Religion, class coalitions, and welfare states, 1-38, 2009
Political allegiance and European integration
K Van Kersbergen
European Journal of Political Research 37 (1), 1-17, 2000
Political parties’ welfare image, electoral punishment and welfare state retrenchment
G Schumacher, B Vis, K Van Kersbergen
Comparative European Politics 11, 1-21, 2013
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