Hanna van Solinge
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Cited by
Retirement adjustment: A review of theoretical and empirical advancements.
M Wang, K Henkens, H Van Solinge
American psychologist 66 (3), 204, 2011
Adjustment to and satisfaction with retirement: two of a kind?
H van Solinge, K Henkens
Psychology and aging 23 (2), 422, 2008
Involuntary retirement: The role of restrictive circumstances, timing, and social embeddedness
H van Solinge, K Henkens
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2007
Couples' adjustment to retirement: A multi-actor panel study
H van Solinge, K Henkens
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2005
Living longer, working longer? The impact of subjective life expectancy on retirement intentions and behaviour
H van Solinge, K Henkens
European Journal of Public Health 20 (1), 47-51, 2009
Health Change in Retirement A Longitudinal Study among Older Workers in the Netherlands
H van Solinge
Research on Aging 29 (3), 225-256, 2007
What we need to know about retirement: Pressing issues for the coming decade
K Henkens, HP Van Dalen, DJ Ekerdt, DA Hershey, M Hyde, J Radl, ...
The Gerontologist 58 (5), 805-812, 2018
Work-related factors as predictors in the retirement decision-making process of older workers in the Netherlands
H van Solinge, K Henkens
Ageing and Society 34 (9), 1551-1574, 2014
Adjustment to retirement
H van Solinge
The Oxford handbook of retirement, 311-324, 2012
Who opts for self-employment after retirement? A longitudinal study in the Netherlands.
H van Solinge
European Journal of Ageing 11 (3), 261-272, 2014
The Oxford handbook of retirement
M Wang
Oxford University Press, USA, 2013
Effects of retirement voluntariness on changes in smoking, drinking and physical activity among Dutch older workers
K Henkens, H van Solinge, WT Gallo
The European Journal of Public Health 18 (6), 644-649, 2008
Access to bridge employment: Who finds and who does not find work after retirement?
E Dingemans, K Henkens, H van Solinge
The Gerontologist 56 (4), 630-640, 2015
Spousal influences on the decision to retire
K Henkens, H van Solinge
International Journal of Sociology, 55-74, 2002
Working retirees in Europe: Individual and societal determinants
E Dingemans, K Henkens, H van Solinge
Work, employment and society 31 (6), 972-991, 2017
Older workers’ emotional reactions to rising retirement age: The case of the Netherlands
H Van Solinge, K Henkens
Work, aging and retirement 3 (3), 273-283, 2017
Let go or retain? A comparative study of the attitudes of business students and managers about the retirement of older workers
K Henkens, H Van Solinge, R Cozijnsen
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 39 (7), 1562-1588, 2009
Ageing and its consequences for the socio-medical system
J de Jong-Gierveld, H van Solinge
Council of Europe, 1995
Subjective life expectancy and actual mortality: Results of a 10-year panel study among older workers
H van Solinge, K Henkens
European Journal of Ageing 15 (2), 155-164, 2018
Migratiemotieven, migratienetwerken en partnerkeuze van Turken en Marokkanen in Nederland
I Esveldt, I Kulu-Glasgow, JJ Schoorl, H van Solinge
Migration motives, migration networks and partner choice of Turks and …, 1995
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