Jing Zhou
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The resurgence of public housing provision in China: The Chongqing programme
J Zhou, R Ronald
Housing Studies 32 (4), 428-448, 2017
Housing and welfare regimes: Examining the changing role of public housing in China
J Zhou, R Ronald
Housing, Theory and Society 34 (3), 253-276, 2017
贫困山区农户兼业行为及其居民点用地形态——基于重庆市云阳县 568 户农户调查
周婧, 杨庆媛, 信桂新, 冯应斌, 戴佩淇, 鍛ㄥ
地理研究 29 (10), 1767-1779, 2010
The New Urbanisation Plan and permanent urban settlement of migrants in Chongqing, China
J Zhou
Population, Space and Place 24 (6), e2144, 2018
贫困山区不同类型农户对宅基地流转的认知与响应——基于重庆市云阳县 568 户农户调查
周婧, 杨庆媛, 张蔚, 王宁, 张凌华, 杨逢渤
中国土地科学, 11-17, 2010
To settle but not convert hukou among rural migrants in urban China: How does family-level eligibility for citizenship benefits matter?
J Zhou, L Lin, S Tang, S Zhang
Habitat International 120, 102511, 2022
Housing preferences and access to public rental housing among migrants in Chongqing, China
J Zhou, S Musterd
Habitat International 79, 42-50, 2018
Poverty Stories of rural households in China: The case of North Jiangsu
S Tang, HF Lee, X Huang, J Zhou
Journal of Rural Studies 91, 1-9, 2022
Intra-national citizenship and dual-hukou strategies among migrant families in China
J Zhou, R Arundel, S Zhang, Q He, Y Yang
Habitat international 108, 102311, 2021
Where is my home? Sense of home among rural migrant women in contemporary China
S Tang, J Zhou, S Lin, X Li
Geoforum 129, 131-140, 2022
Attitudes towards rural migrants and their influence on return migration in China
J Zhou, S Tang
Population, Space and Place 28 (3), e2509, 2022
Settlement in Nanjing among Chinese rural migrant families: The role of changing and persistent family norms
S Tang, J Zhou, O Druta, X Li
Urban Studies 60 (6), 1083-1101, 2023
How attitudes from urban residents shape settlement plans of rural-to-urban migrants in China: the role of hukou
J Zhou, L Lin, H Gu
Current Psychology 43 (12), 11314-11329, 2024
Migrants and the new stage of public housing reform in China
J Zhou
Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2018
How migrant composition affects attitudes of urban locals in urban China: A two-scale study
J Zhou, H Yu, Y Guo, S shuang Tang
Applied Geography 168, 103316, 2024
Emerging in‐migration of urban young adults engaging in rural tourism in China
SS Tang, J Zhou, Y Liu
Population, Space and Place, e2791, 0
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