Douglass Edmund Post
Douglass Edmund Post
Associate Editor in Chief, Computing in Science and Engineering
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Elementary processes in hydrogen-helium plasmas: cross sections and reaction rate coefficients
RK Janev, WD Langer, E Douglass Jr
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Steady-state radiative cooling rates for low-density, high-temperature plasmas
DE Post, RV Jensen, CB Tarter, WH Grasberger, WA Lokke
Atomic and Nuclear Data Tables 20 (397), 21, 1977
Scalings for tokamak energy confinement
PN Yushmanov, T Takizuka, KS Riedel, OJWF Kardaun, JG Cordey, ...
Nuclear Fusion 30 (10), 1999, 1990
Physics of plasma-wall interactions in controlled fusion
DE Post, R Behrisch
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
A Monte-Carlo model of neutral-particle transport in diverted plasmas
D Heifetz, D Post, M Petravic, J Weisheit, G Bateman
Journal of Computational Physics 46 (2), 309-327, 1982
A review of recent developments in atomic processes for divertors and edge plasmas
DE Post
Journal of nuclear materials 220, 143-157, 1995
Jensen, RV, Tartar, CB, Grasberger, WH, Lokke, WA
DE Post
Atomic Data and Nucl. Data Tables 20, 397, 1977
Software development environments for scientific and engineering software: A series of case studies
JC Carver, RP Kendall, SE Squires, DE Post
29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'07), 550-559, 2007
Computational science demands a new paradigm
DE Post, LG Votta
Physics today 58 (1), 35-41, 2005
Penetration of energetic neutral beams into fusion plasmas
RK Janev, CD Boley, DE Post
Nuclear Fusion 29 (12), 006, 1989
Attainment of high confinement in neutral beam heated divertor discharges in the PDX tokamak
SM Kaye, MG Bell, K Bol, D Boyd, K Brau, D Buchenauer, R Budny, ...
Journal of nuclear Materials 121, 115-125, 1984
Calculations of impurity radiation and its effects on tokamak experiments
RV Jensen, DE Post, WH Grasberger, CB Tarter, WA Lokke
Nuclear Fusion 17 (6), 1187, 1977
Baldur: A one-dimensional plasma transport code
CE Singer, DE Post, DR Mikkelsen, MH Redi, A McKenney, A Silverman, ...
Computer physics communications 49 (2), 275-398, 1988
A Monte Carlo algorithm for calculating neutral gas transport in cylindrical plasmas
MH Hughes, DE Post
Journal of Computational Physics 28 (1), 43-55, 1978
A computer model of radial transport in tokamaks
DF Düchs, DE Post, PH Rutherford
Nuclear Fusion 17 (3), 565, 1977
Survey of atomic processes in edge plasmas
RK Janev, DE Post, WD Langer, K Evans, DB Heifetz, JC Weisheit
Journal of Nuclear Materials 121, 10-16, 1984
Techniques for measuring the alpha-particle distribution in magnetically confined plasmas
DE Post, DR Mikkelsen, RA Hulse, LD Stewart, JC Weisheit
Journal of Fusion Energy 1, 129-142, 1981
Enhancement of the neutral-beam stopping cross section in fusion plasmas due to multistep collision processes
CD Boley, RK Janev, DE Post
Physical review letters 52 (7), 534, 1984
Calculations of energy losses due to atomic processes in tokamaks with applications to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor divertor
D Post, J Abdallah, REH Clark, N Putvinskaya
Physics of Plasmas 2 (6), 2328-2336, 1995
Plasma ion temperature measurements via charge-exchange recombination radiation
RJ Fonck, RJ Goldston, R Kaita, DE Post
Princeton Univ., 1982
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Articles 1–20