Digital analytics: Modeling for insights and new methods S Gupta, A Leszkiewicz, V Kumar, T Bijmolt, D Potapov Journal of Interactive Marketing 51, 26-43, 2020 | 210 | 2020 |
Are You Back for Good or Still Shopping Around? Investigating Customers’ Repeat Churn Behavior V Kumar, A Leszkiewicz, A Herbst Journal of Marketing Research 55 (2), 208-225, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |
Smart Business and the Social Value of AI A Leszkiewicz, T Hormann, M Krafft Smart Business and Better Management, 2022 | 27 | 2022 |
Exact optimal experimental designs with constraints M Esteban-Bravo, A Leszkiewicz, JM Vidal-Sanz Statistics and Computing 27 (3), 845-863, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Three essays on conjoint analysis: optimal design and estimation of endogenous consideration sets A Leszkiewicz | 1 | 2014 |
Investigating the adoption of neuroscience technology among marketing professionals: A survey on the intention to use neuromarketing tools L Alvino, C Herrando, A Leszkiewicz, C Horsten, H Robben | 1 | |
Investigating the adoption of neuroscience technology among marketing professionals: A survey on the intention to use neuromarketing tools A Leszkiewicz EMAC Annual Conference 2023, 2023 | | 2023 |
Social Influence Analysis (SIA) in Online Social Networks A Leszkiewicz, D Bucur, C Grimme, R Michalski, L Clever, J Pohl, J Rook, ... 4th Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2022, 2022 | | 2022 |
Digital analytics, modelling for insights and new methods A Leszkiewicz | | 2019 |
The Value of Third Party Platforms in Customer Acquisition: An Empirical Investigation into the Hospitality Industry A Leszkiewicz 2019 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, 2019 | | 2019 |
Extending the customer lifecycle A Leszkiewicz 6th International Conference on Applied Research in Economics, iCare 2018, 2018 | | 2018 |
Forthcoming in the Journal of Marketing Research V Kumar, A Leszkiewicz, A Herbst | | 2017 |
Extending the Customer Lifecycle: Optimal Resource Allocation throughout the Customer Journey A Leszkiewicz, V Kumar INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2017, 2017 | | 2017 |
Are you Back for Good or Still Shopping Around?: Examining the Impact of Win-Back Offers on Customers’ Second Lifetime Duration V Kumar, A Leszkiewicz, A Christodoulopoulou, P Ghosh | | 2016 |
Customer Life Cycle Revisited: Multiple Customer Lifetimes in Optimal Resource Allocation Decisions V Kumar, A Leszkiewicz, A Christodoulopoulou AMA Winter Marketing Academic Conference 2016, 2016 | | 2016 |
Optimal Experimental Designs for Nonlinear Conjoint Analysis M Esteban-Bravo, A Leszkiewicz, JM Vidal-Sanz ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium 2016, 2016 | | 2016 |
Examining the Role of Winback Offers in the Likelihood and Timing of Reacquired Customer Defection A Christodoulopoulou, A Leszkiewicz, P Ghosh, V Kumar | | 2015 |
Optimal experimental designs for nonlinear analysis: Solving the conundrum JM Vidal-Sanz, M Esteban-Bravo, A Leszkiewicz 6th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing …, 2013 | | 2013 |
Optimal experimental designs for nonlinear analysis: Solving the conundrum A Leszkiewicz, M Esteban-Bravo, JM Vidal-Sanz | | 2013 |
Reconsidering optimal experimental design for conjoint analysis M Esteban-Bravo, A Leszkiewicz, JM Vidal-Sanz DEE-Working Papers. Business Economics. WB, 2012 | | 2012 |