Kimberley Mulder
Kimberley Mulder
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Linguistic skills of adult native speakers, as a function of age and level of education
K Mulder, JH Hulstijn
Applied linguistics 32 (5), 475-494, 2011
Effects of primary and secondary morphological family size in monolingual and bilingual word processing
K Mulder, T Dijkstra, R Schreuder, HR Baayen
Journal of Memory and Language 72, 59-84, 2014
Cross-language activation of morphological relatives in cognates: The role of orthographic overlap and task-related processing
K Mulder, T Dijkstra, RH Baayen
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 16, 2015
Alpha and gamma band oscillations index differential processing of acoustically reduced and full forms
L Drijvers, K Mulder, M Ernestus
Brain and Language 153, 27-37, 2016
Revisiting the neighborhood: How L2 proficiency and neighborhood manipulation affect bilingual processing
K Mulder, WJB Van Heuven, T Dijkstra
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1860, 2018
Morphological family size effects in L1 and L2 processing: An electrophysiological study
K Mulder, R Schreuder, T Dijkstra
Language and Cognitive Processes 28 (7), 1004-1035, 2013
Another cup of TEE? The processing of second language near-cognates in first language reading
K Lemhöfer, L Huestegge, K Mulder
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33 (8), 968-991, 2018
Evidence for children’s online integration of simultaneous information from speech and iconic gestures: an ERP study
K Sekine, C Schoechl, K Mulder, J Holler, S Kelly, R Furman, A Özyürek
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 35 (10), 1283-1294, 2020
Analyzing reaction time and error sequences in lexical decision experiments
LFM ten Bosch, LWJ Boves, K Mulder
Graz, Austria: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2019
The processing of schwa reduced cognates and noncognates in non-native listeners of English
K Mulder, G Brekelmans, MTC Ernestus
Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2015
Iconicity in spatial language guides visual attention: A comparison between signers’ and speakers’ eye gaze during message preparation.
F Manhardt, A Özyürek, B Sümer, K Mulder, DZ Karadöller, S Brouwer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 46 (9), 1735, 2020
Cognate status modulates the comprehension of isolated reduced forms
K Mulder, L Wloch, L Boves, L ten Bosch, M Ernestus
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37 (5), 576-614, 2022
Analyzing EEG signals in auditory speech comprehension using temporal response functions and generalized additive models
K Mulder, L Ten Bosch, L Boves
Interspeech 2018, 1452-1456, 2018
ERPs reveal that exemplar effects are driven by episodic memory instead of the mental lexicon
A Nijveld, K Mulder, LT Bosch, M Ernestus
LabPhon15-Speech Dynamics and Phonological Representation, 2016
Models of Reaction Times in Auditory Lexical Decision. RTonset versus RToffset
SWM Brand, K Mulder, LFM ten Bosch, LWJ Boves
Brno, Czechia: ISCA (International Speech Communication Association), 2021
Comparing different methods for analyzing ERP signals
K Mulder, L Ten Bosch, L Boves
Interspeech 2016: 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2016
Comparing EEG Analyses with Different Epoch Alignments in an Auditory Lexical Decision Experiment.
L ten Bosch, K Mulder, L Boves
INTERSPEECH, 130-134, 2020
Phase synchronization between EEG signals as a function of differences between stimuli characteristics
L Ten Bosch, K Mulder, L Boves
Interspeech 2019: 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2019
Are eye-fixations in cognate processing dependent on entropy?
K Mulder, M Dijkstra, T Schreuder
The 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology [ESCOP 2011], 2011
The acquisition of gender agreement in the Determiner Phrase by bilingual children
IJ Ter Avest, K Mulder
Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 81 (1), 133-142, 2009
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