Jan Hulskotte
Jan Hulskotte
research scientist, TNO
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The policy relevance of wear emissions from road transport, now and in the future—an international workshop report and consensus statement
HAC Denier van der Gon, ME Gerlofs-Nijland, R Gehrig, M Gustafsson, ...
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 63 (2), 136-149, 2013
Elemental composition of current automotive braking materials and derived air emission factors
JHJ Hulskotte, GD Roskam, HACD Van Der Gon
Atmospheric environment 99, 436-445, 2014
Brake wear from vehicles as an important source of diffuse copper pollution
JHJ Hulskotte, HAC Denier van der Gon, AJH Visschedijk, M Schaap
Water science and technology 56 (1), 223-231, 2007
Fuel consumption and associated emissions from seagoing ships at berth derived from an on-board survey
JHJ Hulskotte, HACD Van Der Gon
Atmospheric Environment 44 (9), 1229-1236, 2010
A revised estimate of copper emissions from road transport in UNECE-Europe and its impact on predicted copper concentrations
HACD van der Gon, JHJ Hulskotte, AJH Visschedijk, M Schaap
Atmospheric Environment 41 (38), 8697-8710, 2007
On the dry deposition on wet surfaces in a small scale windtunnel.
EH Adema, P Heeres, J Hulskotte
Emission, fate and effects of soluble silicates (waterglass) in the aquatic environment
HP Van Dokkum, JHJ Hulskotte, KJM Kramer, J Wilmot
Environmental science & technology 38 (2), 515-521, 2004
Methods for calculating the emissions of transport in the Netherlands
J Klein, G Geilenkirchen, J Hulskotte, A Hensema, N Ligterink, P Fortuin, ...
http://www.emissieregistratie.nl/erpubliek/(A …, 2013
Methane emissions in the Netherlands: The Groningen field
TI Yacovitch, B Neininger, SC Herndon, HD Van der Gon, S Jonkers, ...
Elem Sci Anth 6, 57, 2018
European emission inventories and projections for road transport non-exhaust emissions: Analysis of consistency and gaps in emission inventories from EU member states
HD Van Der Gon, J Hulskotte, M Jozwicka, R Kranenburg, J Kuenen, ...
Non-exhaust emissions, 101-121, 2018
Methodologies for estimating shipping emissions in the Netherlands
H Denier van der Gon, J Hulskotte
BOP reports 500099012, 2010
Impact of inland shipping emissions on elemental carbon concentrations near waterways in The Netherlands
MP Keuken, M Moerman, J Jonkers, J Hulskotte, HACD van der Gon, ...
Atmospheric environment 95, 1-9, 2014
Anthropogenic Vanadium emissions to air and ambient air concentrations in North-West Europe
QU Visschedijk A.J.H, Denier van der Gon H.A.C
E3S Web of Conferences; 2012, 2012
Emissiemodel Mobiele Machines gebaseerd op machineverkopen in combinatie met brandstof Afzet EMMA
RPV J H J Hulskotte
www.emissieregistratie.nl, 2009
EMS-protocol Emissies door binnenvaart: verbrandingsmotoren
J Hulskotte-TNO, E Bolt-RWS, D Broekhuizen-RWS
Emissiefactoren zeeschepen
JHJ Hulskotte, WWR Koch
TNO Milieu, Energie en Procesinnovatie, Apeldoorn, 2000
Methods for calculating the emissions of transport in the Netherlands
G Geilenkirchen, M Bolech, J Hulskotte, S Dellaert, N Ligterink, E van Eijk, ...
RIVM rapport 2024-0023, 2024
Methodologies for estimating shipping emissions in the Netherlands
HD Van der Gon, J Hulskotte
A documentation of currently used emission factors and related activity data …, 2010
Protocol voor de jaarlijkse bepaling van de emissies van specifieke defensie-activiteiten conform de IPCC-richtlijnen
J Hulskotte
TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn, 2004
Emissions of air pollutants from civil aviation in the Netherlands
SNC Dellaert, JHJ Hulskotte
TNO report, TNO, R10055, 2017
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