Stefan Stremersch
Stefan Stremersch
Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL & Ghent University, BE
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Strategic bundling of products and prices: A new synthesis for marketing
S Stremersch, GJ Tellis
Journal of marketing 66 (1), 55-72, 2002
Marketing mass-customized products: Striking a balance between utility and complexity
BGC Dellaert, S Stremersch
Journal of marketing research 42 (2), 219-227, 2005
The international takeoff of new products: The role of economics, culture, and country innovativeness
GJ Tellis, S Stremersch, E Yin
Marketing Science 22 (2), 188-208, 2003
Social contagion and income heterogeneity in new product diffusion: A meta-analytic test
C Van den Bulte, S Stremersch
Marketing Science 23 (4), 530-544, 2004
The quest for citations: Drivers of article impact
S Stremersch, I Verniers, PC Verhoef
Journal of Marketing 71 (3), 171-193, 2007
The purchasing of full-service contracts:: An exploratory study within the industrial maintenance market
S Stremersch, S Wuyts, RT Frambach
Industrial Marketing Management 30 (1), 1-12, 2001
Portfolios of interfirm agreements in technology-intensive markets: Consequences for innovation and profitability
S Wuyts, S Dutta, S Stremersch
Journal of marketing 68 (2), 88-100, 2004
Vertical marketing systems for complex products: A triadic perspective
S Wuyts, S Stremersch, C Van den Bulte, PH Franses
Journal of Marketing Research 41 (4), 479-487, 2004
Multihoming in two-sided markets: An empirical inquiry in the video game console industry
V Landsman, S Stremersch
Journal of Marketing 75 (6), 39-54, 2011
Indirect network effects in new product growth
S Stremersch, GJ Tellis, P Hans Franses, JLG Binken
Journal of Marketing 71 (3), 52-74, 2007
Understanding and managing international growth of new products
S Stremersch, GJ Tellis
International Journal of Research in Marketing 21 (4), 421-438, 2004
Marketing of the life sciences: A new framework and research agenda for a nascent field
S Stremersch, W Van Dyck
Journal of Marketing 73 (4), 4-30, 2009
The effect of superstar software on hardware sales in system markets
JLG Binken, S Stremersch
Journal of Marketing 73 (2), 88-104, 2009
The rise of new technologies in marketing: A framework and outlook
DL Hoffman, CP Moreau, S Stremersch, M Wedel
Journal of Marketing 86 (1), 1-6, 2022
From academic research to marketing practice: Exploring the marketing science value chain
JH Roberts, U Kayande, S Stremersch
How to Get Published in the Best Marketing Journals, 70-83, 2019
The debate on influencing doctors' decisions: are drug characteristics the missing link?
S Venkataraman, S Stremersch
Management Science 53 (11), 1688-1701, 2007
Customizing complex products: When should the vendor take control?
M Ghosh, S Dutta, S Stremersch
Journal of Marketing Research 43 (4), 664-679, 2006
Health and marketing: The emergence of a new field of research
S Stremersch
International Journal of Research in Marketing 25 (4), 229-233, 2008
Tournaments to crowdsource innovation: The role of moderator feedback and participation intensity
N Camacho, H Nam, PK Kannan, S Stremersch
Journal of Marketing 83 (2), 138-157, 2019
Buying modular systems in technology-intensive markets
S Stremersch, AM Weiss, BGC Dellaert, RT Frambach
Journal of Marketing Research 40 (3), 335-350, 2003
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Articles 1–20