Laurie Delnoij
Laurie Delnoij
Assistant Professor | Maastricht University | School of Business and Economics
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Cited by
Predicting and resolving non-completion in higher (online) education–A literature review
LEC Delnoij, KJH Dirkx, JPW Janssen, RL Martens
Educational Research Review 29, 100313, 2020
Supporting the well-being of new university teachers through teacher professional development
I Gast, M Neelen, L Delnoij, M Menten, A Mihai, T Grohnert
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 866000, 2022
Predicting completion: The road to informed study decisions in higher online education
L Delnoij, J Janssen, K Dirkx, H Gijselaers, RH de Groot, J Neroni, ...
Frontiers in Education 6, 668922, 2021
Designing an online self-assessment for informed study decisions: The user perspective
LEC Delnoij, JPW Janssen, KJH Dirkx, RL Martens
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 74-86, 2020
Effective master's thesis supervision–A summative framework for research and practice
T Grohnert, L Gromotka, I Gast, L Delnoij, S Beausaert
Educational Research Review, 100589, 2023
The Balancing Act of Assessment Validity in Interprofessional Healthcare Education: A Qualitative Evaluation Study
HWH Smeets, LEC Delnoij, DMA Sluijsmans, A Moser, ...
Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-14, 2023
De wetenschap van het leren toegepast op schoolboeken
T Surma, L Delnoij
Over schoolboeken en leermiddelen: Sleutels voor onderwijskwaliteit?, 133-155, 2018
Do Self-Assessments for Informed Study Decisions Actually Inform Study Decisions? A Model for Evaluating the Consequential Validity Aspect
LEC Delnoij, JPW Janssen, KJH Dirkx, H Vogten, H Martens, S Elston, ...
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice …, 2022
Towards an online self-assessment for informed study decisions–A mixed-methods validation study
L Delnoij, J Janssen, K Dirkx, R Martens
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education 9 (2), 376-396, 2022
Self-assessment for informed study decisions in higher education: A design-based validation approach
L Delnoij
Open Universiteit, 2022
From individual to interprofessional: characteristics of assessment tasks to assess interprofessional collaboration in healthcare education
HWH Smeets, LEC Delnoij, DMA Sluijsmans, A Moser, ...
Journal of Interprofessional Care 38 (5), 907-917, 2024
Toetsing als een didactisch, diagnostisch en certificerend onderzoekproces in een curriculum
B Giesbers, M Menten, L Delnoij, D Sluijsmans
Examens 21 (1), 35-43, 2024
The right job pays: Effects of different types of work on study progress of pre-service teachers
I Dekker, CF Chong, MC Schippers, E van Schooten, LEC Delnoij
Pedagogische Studiën 101 (1), 4-29, 2024
A systematic review on near-peer teaching in higher education: Training, types of instruction, and outcomes
I Dekker, M Thurlings, L Delnoij, J Van der Veen
OSF, 2023
Self-assessment accuracy over time, the role of general feedback and performance in higher education
L Delnoij, C Kerckhoffs, T Grohnert, S Beausaert
20th Biennial EARLI Conference: Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times, 2023
Richtlijnen voor beoordelen van interprofessionele competenties in het hoger onderwijs
H Smeets, L Delnoij, DMA Sluijsmans, A Moser, J van Merriënboer
Examens 2023 (februari), 2023
Enhancing self-regulation: the power of practice testing and the role of self-assessment
L Delnoij, C Kerckhoffs, T Grohnert, S Beausaert
Het voorbereiden en inzetten van studenten als docent binnen het hoger onderwijs: wat werkt (niet)?
M Thurlings, I Dekker, R Meulenbroeks, P de Bordes, L Delnoij, ...
ORD 2023 Kans op Balans Abstractboek, 1093-1099, 2023
Het beoordelen van interprofessionele competenties in het hoger onderwijs: bewijzen en bedreigingen voor validiteit
H Smeets, L Delnoij, D Sluijsmans, A Moser, J van Merriënboer
NVMO congres: Samen leren, samen werken, 2023
The balancing act of assessment validity in interprofessional healthcare education
H Smeets, L Delnoij, DMA Sluijsmans, A Moser, J van Merriënboer
AMEE 2023 conference: Inclusive learning environments to transform the future, 2023
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Articles 1–20