Joey Huchette
Joey Huchette
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JuMP: A modeling language for mathematical optimization
I Dunning, J Huchette, M Lubin
SIAM review 59 (2), 295-320, 2017
Strong mixed-integer programming formulations for trained neural networks
R Anderson, J Huchette, W Ma, C Tjandraatmadja, JP Vielma
arXiv, arXiv: 1811.01988, 2020
JuMP 1.0: Recent improvements to a modeling language for mathematical optimization
M Lubin, O Dowson, JD Garcia, J Huchette, B Legat, JP Vielma
Mathematical Programming Computation 15 (3), 581-589, 2023
Taming parallel I/O complexity with auto-tuning
B Behzad, HVT Luu, J Huchette, S Byna, Prabhat, R Aydt, Q Koziol, M Snir
Proceedings of the international conference on high performance computing …, 2013
The convex relaxation barrier, revisited: Tightened single-neuron relaxations for neural network verification
C Tjandraatmadja, R Anderson, J Huchette, W Ma, KK Patel, JP Vielma
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 21675-21686, 2020
Nonconvex piecewise linear functions: Advanced formulations and simple modeling tools
J Huchette, JP Vielma
Operations Research 71 (5), 1835-1856, 2023
Extended formulations in mixed integer conic quadratic programming
JP Vielma, I Dunning, J Huchette, M Lubin
Mathematical Programming Computation 9, 369-418, 2017
A combinatorial approach for small and strong formulations of disjunctive constraints
J Huchette, JP Vielma
Mathematics of Operations Research, 2019
Parallel algebraic modeling for stochastic optimization
J Huchette, M Lubin, C Petra
2014 First Workshop for High Performance Technical Computing in Dynamic …, 2014
Sum-of-squares optimization in Julia
B Legat, C Coey, R Deits, J Huchette, A Perry
JuMP Developers Meetup/Workshop, 2017
When deep learning meets polyhedral theory: A survey
J Huchette, G Muñoz, T Serra, C Tsay
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.00241, 2023
A framework for auto-tuning HDF5 applications
B Behzad, J Huchette, HVT Luu, R Aydt, S Byna, Y Yao, Q Koziol, Prabhat
Proceedings of the 22nd international symposium on High-performance parallel …, 2013
On efficient Hessian computation using the edge pushing algorithm in Julia
CG Petra, F Qiang, M Lubin, J Huchette
Optimization Methods and Software 33 (4-6), 1010-1029, 2018
Compact mixed-integer programming formulations in quadratic optimization
B Beach, R Hildebrand, J Huchette
Journal of Global Optimization 84 (4), 869-912, 2022
Strong mixed-integer formulations for the floor layout problem
J Huchette, SS Dey, JP Vielma
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 56 (4), 392-433, 2018
A geometric way to build strong mixed-integer programming formulations
J Huchette, JP Vielma
Operations Research Letters 47 (6), 601-606, 2019
Auto-tuning of Parallel I/O Parameters for HDF5 Applications
B Behzad, J Huchette, H Luu, R Aydt, Q Koziol, M Prabhat, S Byna, ...
2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and …, 2012
Prabhat, Ruth Aydt, Quincey Koziol, and Marc Snir. 2013. Taming parallel I/O complexity with auto-tuning
B Behzad, HVT Luu, J Huchette, S Byna
Proceedings of 2013 International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2013
Contextual reserve price optimization in auctions via mixed integer programming
J Huchette, H Lu, H Esfandiari, V Mirrokni
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 1287-1297, 2020
Modeling combinatorial disjunctive constraints via junction trees
B Lyu, IV Hicks, J Huchette
Mathematical Programming 204 (1), 385-413, 2024
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