Maximiliano Sassi
Maximiliano Sassi
Flood Modeler, Risk Management Solutions Ltd
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River flow controls on tides and tide‐mean water level profiles in a tidal freshwater river
MG Sassi, AJF Hoitink
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (9), 4139-4151, 2013
Tidal impact on the division of river discharge over distributary channels in the Mahakam Delta
MG Sassi, AJF Hoitink, B De Brye, B Vermeulen, E Deleersnijder
Ocean Dynamics 61, 2211-2228, 2011
Morphological change in the Pearl River delta, China
W Zhang, Y Xu, AJF Hoitink, MG Sassi, J Zheng, X Chen, C Zhang
Marine Geology 363, 202-219, 2015
Impact of sound attenuation by suspended sediment on ADCP backscatter calibrations
MG Sassi, AJF Hoitink, B Vermeulen
Water Resources Research 48 (9), 2012
Discharge estimation in a backwater affected meandering river
H Hidayat, B Vermeulen, MG Sassi, P Torfs, AJF Hoitink
Hydrology and earth system sciences 15 (8), 2717-2728, 2011
Discharge estimation from H‐ADCP measurements in a tidal river subject to sidewall effects and a mobile bed
MG Sassi, AJF Hoitink, B Vermeulen, Hidayat
Water Resources Research 47 (6), 2011
Downstream hydraulic geometry of a tidally influenced river delta
MG Sassi, AJF Hoitink, B De Brye, E Deleersnijder
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F4), 2012
Prediction of discharge in a tidal river using artificial neural networks
H Hidayat, AJF Hoitink, MG Sassi, P Torfs
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 19 (8), 04014006, 2014
Coupled ADCPs can yield complete Reynolds stress tensor profiles in geophysical surface flows
B Vermeulen, AJF Hoitink, MG Sassi
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (6), 2011
Improved flow velocity estimates from moving‐boat ADCP measurements
B Vermeulen, MG Sassi, AJF Hoitink
Water resources research 50 (5), 4186-4196, 2014
Sediment discharge division at two tidally influenced river bifurcations
MG Sassi, AJF Hoitink, B Vermeulen, H Hidayat
Water Resources Research 49 (4), 2119-2134, 2013
Variability of residual fluxes of suspended sediment in a multiple tidal-inlet system: the Dutch Wadden Sea
M Sassi, M Duran-Matute, T van Kessel, T Gerkema
Ocean Dynamics 65, 1321-1333, 2015
Quantifying the residual volume transport through a multiple‐inlet system in response to wind forcing: The case of the western D utch W adden S ea
M Duran‐Matute, T Gerkema, MG Sassi
Journal of geophysical research: Oceans 121 (12), 8888-8903, 2016
Impact of climate change on European winter and summer flood losses
M Sassi, L Nicotina, P Pall, D Stone, A Hilberts, M Wehner, S Jewson
Advances in Water Resources 129, 165-177, 2019
Preliminary results of a finite-element, multi-scale model of the Mahakam Delta (Indonesia)
B de Brye, S Schellen, M Sassi, B Vermeulen, T Kärnä, E Deleersnijder, ...
Ocean Dynamics 61, 1107-1120, 2011
Suspended sediment load in the tidal zone of an Indonesian river
FA Buschman, AJF Hoitink, SM De Jong, P Hoekstra, H Hidayat, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (11), 4191-4204, 2012
Simulations of the flow in the Mahakam river–lake–delta system, Indonesia
C Pham Van, B de Brye, E Deleersnijder, AJF Hoitink, M Sassi, ...
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 16, 603-633, 2016
Modelling fine-grained sediment transport in the Mahakam land–sea continuum, Indonesia
CP Van, O Gourgue, M Sassi, AJF Hoitink, E Deleersnijder, ...
Journal of hydro-environment research 13, 103-120, 2016
Quantified turbulent diffusion of suspended sediment using acoustic Doppler current profilers
MG Sassi, AJ F. Hoitink, B Vermeulen
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (21), 5692-5697, 2013
Modelo hidrodinámico del estrecho de Magallanes
MG Sassi, ED Palma
Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional, 2006
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