Valentina R. Barletta
Valentina R. Barletta
DTU Space
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A reconciled estimate of ice-sheet mass balance
A Shepherd, ER Ivins, A Geruo, VR Barletta, MJ Bentley, S Bettadpur, ...
Science 338 (6111), 1183-1189, 2012
Mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2017
Nature 556, pages219–222, 2018
Mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2018
A Shepherd, E Ivins, E Rignot, B Smith, M van den Broeke, I Velicogna, ...
Nature 579 (7798), 233-239, 2020
Global sea-level budget 1993-present
A Cazenave, B Meyssignac, M Ablain, M Balmaseda, J Bamber, ...
Earth System Science Data 10 (3), 1551-1590, 2018
Observed rapid bedrock uplift in Amundsen Sea Embayment promotes ice-sheet stability
VR Barletta, M Bevis, BE Smith, T Wilson, A Brown, A Bordoni, M Willis, ...
Science 360 (6395), 1335-1339, 2018
Rapid bedrock uplift in the Antarctic Peninsula explained by viscoelastic response to recent ice unloading
GA Nield, VR Barletta, A Bordoni, MA King, PL Whitehouse, PJ Clarke, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 397, 32-41, 2014
A benchmark study for glacial isostatic adjustment codes
G Spada, VR Barletta, V Klemann, REM Riva, Z Martinec, P Gasperini, ...
Geophysical Journal International 185 (1), 106-132, 2011
Scatter of mass changes estimates at basin scale for Greenland and Antarctica
VR Barletta, LS Sørensen, R Forsberg
The Cryosphere 7 (5), 1411-1432, 2013
Glacier shrinkage and modeled uplift of the Alps
VR Barletta, C Ferrari, G Diolaiuti, T Carnielli, R Sabadini, C Smiraglia
Geophys. Res. Lett 33, L14307, 2006
Isolating the PGR signal in the GRACE data: impact on mass balance estimates in Antarctica and Greenland
VR Barletta, R Sabadini, A Bordoni
Geophysical Journal International 172 (1), 18-30, 2008
Uplift rates from a new high-density GPS network in Palmer Land indicate significant late Holocene ice loss in the southwestern Weddell Sea
M Wolstencroft, MA King, PL Whitehouse, MJ Bentley, GA Nield, EC King, ...
Geophysical Journal International 203 (1), 737-754, 2015
Global sea-level budget and ocean-mass budget, with a focus on advanced data products and uncertainty characterisation
M Horwath, BD Gutknecht, A Cazenave, HK Palanisamy, F Marti, ...
Earth System Science Data 14 (2), 411-447, 2022
A benchmark study of numerical implementations of the sea level equation in GIA modelling
Z Martinec, V Klemann, W van der Wal, REM Riva, G Spada, Y Sun, ...
Geophysical Journal International 215 (1), 389-414, 2018
Evaluating GRACE Mass Change Time Series for the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheet—Methods and Results
A Groh, M Horwath, A Horvath, R Meister, LS Sørensen, VR Barletta, ...
Geosciences 9 (10), 415, 2019
Centennial response of Greenland’s three largest outlet glaciers
SA Khan, AA Bjørk, JL Bamber, M Morlighem, M Bevis, KH Kjær, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 5718, 2020
A GNSS velocity field for geophysical applications in Fennoscandia
HP Kierulf, H Steffen, VR Barletta, M Lidberg, J Johansson, O Kristiansen, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 146, 101845, 2021
Observational requirements for long-term monitoring of the global mean sea level and its components over the altimetry era
A Cazenave, B Hamlington, M Horwath, VR Barletta, J Benveniste, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 582, 2019
Rapid ice unloading in the Fleming Glacier region, southern Antarctic Peninsula, and its effect on bedrock uplift rates
C Zhao, MA King, CS Watson, VR Barletta, A Bordoni, M Dell, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 473, 164-176, 2017
Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Balance (1992–2020) From Calibrated Radar Altimetry
SB Simonsen, VR Barletta, WT Colgan, LS Sørensen
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (3), e2020GL091216, 2021
An analytical solution for the elastic response to surface loads imposed on a layered, transversely isotropic and self-gravitating Earth
E Pan, JY Chen, M Bevis, A Bordoni, VR Barletta, AM Tabrizi
Geophysical Journal International 203 (3), 2150-2181, 2015
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Articles 1–20