Jaya Prakash
Jaya Prakash
Faculty, Instrumentation and Applied Physics, Indian Institute of Science
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Anam-Net: Anamorphic Depth Embedding-Based Lightweight CNN for Segmentation of Anomalies in COVID-19 Chest CT Images
N Paluru, A Dayal, HB Jenssen, T Sakinis, LR Cenkeramaddi, J Prakash, ...
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2021
Bioengineered bacterial vesicles as biological nano-heaters for optoacoustic imaging
V Gujrati, J Prakash, J Malekzadeh-Najafabadi, A Stiel, U Klemm, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1114, 2019
Basis pursuit deconvolution for improving model-based reconstructed images in photoacoustic tomography
J Prakash, AS Raju, CB Shaw, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
Biomedical optics express 5 (5), 1363, 2014
Least squares QR-based decomposition provides an efficient way of computing optimal regularization parameter in photoacoustic tomography
CB Shaw, J Prakash, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
Journal of Biomedical Optics 18 (8), 080501-080501, 2013
Sparse recovery methods hold promise for diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction
J Prakash, CB Shaw, R Manjappa, R Kanhirodan, PK Yalavarthy
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 20 (2), 74-82, 2014
Three-dimensional optoacoustic reconstruction using fast sparse representation
Y Han, L Ding, XLD Ben, D Razansky, J Prakash, V Ntziachristos
Optics Letters 42 (5), 979-982, 2017
Spatial heterogeneity of oxygenation and haemodynamics in breast cancer resolved in vivo by conical multispectral optoacoustic mesoscopy
J Li, A Chekkoury, J Prakash, S Glasl, P Vetschera, B Koberstein-Schwarz, ...
Light: Science & Applications 9 (1), 57, 2020
WST11 Vascular Targeted Photodynamic Therapy Effect Monitoring by Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) in Mice
V Neuschmelting, K Kim, J Malekzadeh-Najafabadi, S Jebiwott, J Prakash, ...
Theranostics 8 (3), 723, 2018
A Synthetic Total Impulse Response Characterization Method for Correction of Hand-held Optoacoustic Images
KB Chowdhury, J Prakash, A Karlas, D Jüstel, V Ntziachristos
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39 (10), 3218 - 3230, 2020
Fractional Regularization to Improve Photoacoustic Tomographic Image Reconstruction
J Prakash, D Sanny, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38 (8), 1935-1947, 2019
Toward real‐time availability of 3D temperature maps created with temporally constrained reconstruction
N Todd, J Prakash, H Odéen, J De Bever, A Payne, P Yalavarthy, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 71 (4), 1394-1404, 2014
Model-resolution-based basis pursuit deconvolution improves diffuse optical tomographic imaging
J Prakash, H Dehghani, BW Pogue, PK Yalavarthy
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 33 (4), 891-901, 2014
Maximum entropy based non-negative optoacoustic tomographic image reconstruction
J Prakash, S Mandal, D Razansky, V Ntziachristos
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66 (9), 2604-2616, 2019
Soft Ultrasound Priors in Optoacoustic Reconstruction: Improving Clinical Vascular Imaging
H Yang, D Jüstel, J Prakash, A Karlas, A Helfen, M Masthoff, M Wildgruber, ...
Photoacoustics 19, 100172, 2020
A LSQR-type method provides a computationally efficient automated optimal choice of regularization parameter in diffuse optical tomography
J Prakash, PK Yalavarthy
Medical Physics 40 (3), 033101, 2013
Croconaine-based nanoparticles enable efficient optoacoustic imaging of murine brain tumors
N Liu, V Gujrati, J Malekzadeh-Najafabadi, JPF Werner, U Klemm, L Tang, ...
Photoacoustics 22, 100263, 2021
Accelerating frequency-domain diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction using graphics processing units
J Prakash, V Chandrasekharan, V Upendra, PK Yalavarthy
Journal of biomedical optics 15 (6), 066009-066009-9, 2010
Targeting Elastase for Molecular Imaging of Early Atherosclerotic Lesions
A Glinzer, X Ma, J Prakash, MA Kimm, F Lohöfer, K Kosanke, J Pelisek, ...
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 37 (3), 525-533, 2017
Integrin-Targeted hybrid Fluorescence Molecular Tomography/X-ray Computed Tomography for Imaging Tumor Progression and Early Response in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
X Ma, VP Van, MA Kimm, J Prakash, H Kessler, K Kosanke, A Feuchtinger, ...
Neoplasia 19 (1), 8-16, 2017
Deep learning methods hold promise for light fluence compensation in three-dimensional optoacoustic imaging
A Madasamy, V Gujrati, V Ntziachristos, J Prakash
Journal of biomedical optics 27 (10), 106004-106004, 2022
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Articles 1–20