Ruben Konig
Cited by
Cited by
When size matters: advantages of weighted effect coding in observational studies
M Te Grotenhuis, B Pelzer, R Eisinga, R Nieuwenhuis, A Schmidt-Catran, ...
International Journal of Public Health 62, 163-167, 2017
8 Mapping Media Literacy
JE Rosenbaum, JWJ Beentjes, RP Konig
Communication Yearbook 32 32, 313-353, 2008
Religion in Dutch Society 90: documentation of a national survey on religious and secular attitudes in 1990
RN Eisinga
Steinmetz Archive codebook, 1992
Does location congruence matter? A field study on the effects of location-based advertising on perceived ad intrusiveness, relevance & value
AE Hühn, VJ Khan, P Ketelaar, J van't Riet, R Konig, E Rozendaal, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 73, 659-668, 2017
Family media matters: unraveling the intergenerational transmission of reading and television tastes
N Notten, G Kraaykamp, RP Konig
Sociological Perspectives 55 (4), 683-706, 2012
In ads we trust. Religiousness as a predictor of advertising trustworthiness and avoidance
PE Ketelaar, R Konig, EG Smit, H Thorbjørnsen
Journal of Consumer Marketing 32 (3), 190-198, 2015
“Opening” location-based mobile ads: How openness and location congruency of location-based ads weaken negative effects of intrusiveness on brand choice
PE Ketelaar, SF Bernritter, TJ van Woudenberg, E Rozendaal, RP Konig, ...
Journal of Business Research 91, 277-285, 2018
Investigating the effects of location-based advertising in the supermarket: Does goal congruence trump location congruence?
J van't Riet, A Hühn, P Ketelaar, VJ Khan, R Konig, E Rozendaal, ...
Journal of Interactive Advertising 16 (1), 31-43, 2016
Orthodox religious beliefs and anti-Semitism: A replication of Glock and Stark in the Netherlands
R Eisinga, R Konig, P Scheepers
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 214-223, 1995
A novel method for modelling interaction between categorical variables
M Te Grotenhuis, B Pelzer, R Eisinga, R Nieuwenhuis, A Schmidt-Catran, ...
International Journal of Public Health 62, 427-431, 2017
Explaining the relationship between Christian religion and anti-Semitism in the Netherlands
R Konig, R Eisinga, P Scheepers
Review of Religious Research, 373-393, 2000
Does exposure to music videos predict adolescents' sexual attitudes?
JWJ Beentjes, RP Konig
Explaining television choices: The influence of parents and partners
P Hendriks Vettehen, RP Konig, H Westerik, H Beentjes
Poetics 40 (6), 565–585, 2012
On the use of television news: Routines in watching the news
R Konig, K Renckstorf, F Wester
Television news research: Recent European approaches and findings, 147-171, 2001
Muziekvideo's en seksuele opvattingen: een enquête onder jongeren
H Beentjes, RP Konig, D Krzeszewski
Action Theory and Communication Research: Recent Developments in Europe.(Mouton Textbook)
K Renckstorf, K Roe, K Renckstorf, D McQuail, JE Rosenbaum, G Schaap
Mouton de gruyter, 2004
Partners' influence on each other's television exposure: Dominance or symmetry?
RP Konig, G Kraaykamp, H Westerik
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 33 (4), 371-384, 2008
Patterns in television news use
R Konig, K Renckstorf, F Wester
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 26 (4), 421-442, 2001
Measuring the complexity of viewers’ television news interpretation: Differentiation
G Schaap, R Konig, K Renckstorf, F Wester
Interpreting Television News, 111-127, 2009
Mapping media literacy: Key concepts and future directions. CS Beck (Ed.), Communication yearbook 32 (pp. 313-355)
JE Rosenbaum, JWJ Beentjes, RP Konig
New York, NY: Routledge, 2008
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Articles 1–20