Maria Guinaldo
Maria Guinaldo
Computer Science and Automatic Control, UNED
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The ball and beam system: a case study of virtual and remote lab enhancement with Moodle
L de la Torre, M Guinaldo, R Heradio, S Dormido
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 11 (4), 934-945, 2015
Distributed Event-Based Control Strategies for Interconnected Linear Systems
M Guinaldo, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson, J Sánchez, S Dormido
IET Control Theory and Applications, 2013
Distributed event-based control for interconnected linear systems
M Guinaldo, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson, J Sánchez, S Dormido
Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), 2011 50th …, 2011
Distributed event-triggered control with network delays and packet losses.
M Guinaldo, D Lehmann, J Sánchez, S Dormido, KH Johansson
CDC, 1-6, 2012
Platform for teaching mobile robotics
E Fabregas, G Farias, S Dormido-Canto, M Guinaldo, J Sánchez, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 81, 131-143, 2016
A Mobile Robots Experimental Environment with Event-Based Wireless Communication
M Guinaldo, E Fábregas, G Farias, S Dormido-Canto, D Chaos, ...
Sensors 13 (7), 9396-9413, 2013
Distributed event-triggered control for non-reliable networks
M Guinaldo, D Lehmann, J Sánchez, S Dormido, KH Johansson
Journal of the Franklin Institute 351 (12), 5250-5273, 2014
Event-based control: A bibliometric analysis of twenty years of research
E Aranda-Escolastico, M Guinaldo, R Heradio, J Chacon, H Vargas, ...
IEEE Access 8, 47188-47208, 2020
An Interactive Tool for Outdoor Computer Controlled Cultivation of Microalgae in a Tubular Photobioreactor System
R Dormido, J Sánchez, N Duro, S Dormido-Canto, M Guinaldo, ...
Sensors 14 (3), 4466-4483, 2014
Identification of process transfer function parameters in event-based PI control loops
J Sánchez, M Guinaldo, A Visioli, S Dormido
ISA transactions 75, 157-171, 2018
A novel approach to periodic event-triggered control: Design and application to the inverted pendulum
E Aranda-Escolástico, M Guinaldo, F Gordillo, S Dormido
ISA transactions 65, 327-338, 2016
Distributed adaptive control of linear multi-agent systems with event-triggered communications
M Guinaldo, J Sánchez, S Dormido
Applied Mathematics and Computation 274, 195-207, 2016
Distributed control for large-scale systems with adaptive event-triggering
M Guinaldo, J Sánchez, R Dormido, S Dormido
Journal of the Franklin Institute 353 (3), 735-756, 2016
Control of a Chain Pendulum: A fuzzy logic approach
E Aranda-Escolástico, M Guinaldo, M Santos, S Dormido
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 9 (2), 281-295, 2016
Co-design strategy of networked control systems for treacherous network conditions
M Guinaldo, J Sánchez, S Dormido
IET control theory & applications 5 (16), 1906-1915, 2011
Distributed Formation Control for Multiagent Systems Using a Fractional-Order Proportional–Integral Structure
R Cajo, M Guinaldo, E Fabregas, S Dormido, D Plaza, R De Keyser, ...
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (6), 2738-2745, 2021
Contributions to networked and event-triggered control of linear systems
MG Losada
Springer, 2016
A virtual and remote control laboratory in moodle: The ball and beam system
M Guinaldo, L de la Torre, R Heradio, S Dormido
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (17), 72-77, 2013
Design of periodic event-triggered control for polynomial systems: A delay system approach
E Aranda-Escolástico, M Abdelrahim, M Guinaldo, S Dormido, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 7887-7892, 2017
Enhanced event-based identification procedure for process control
J Sanchez, M Guinaldo, A Visioli, S Dormido
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (21), 7218-7231, 2018
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