peter lugtig
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Cited by
A checklist for testing measurement invariance
R Van de Schoot, P Lugtig, J Hox
European journal of developmental psychology 9 (4), 486-492, 2012
Not doing bad things is not equivalent to doing the right thing: Distinguishing between inhibitory and initiatory self-control
DTD de Ridder, BJ de Boer, P Lugtig, AB Bakker, EAJ van Hooft
Personality and Individual Differences 50 (7), 1006-1011, 2011
Facing off with Scylla and Charybdis: a comparison of scalar, partial, and the novel possibility of approximate measurement invariance
R Van De Schoot, A Kluytmans, L Tummers, P Lugtig, J Hox, B Muthén
Frontiers in psychology 4, 770, 2013
The use of PCs, smartphones, and tablets in a probability-based panel survey: Effects on survey measurement error
P Lugtig, V Toepoel
Social Science Computer Review 34 (1), 78-94, 2016
Panel attrition: separating stayers, fast attriters, gradual attriters, and lurkers
P Lugtig
Sociological Methods & Research 43 (4), 699-723, 2014
Generating missing values for simulation purposes: a multivariate amputation procedure
RM Schouten, P Lugtig, G Vink
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 88 (15), 2909-2930, 2018
What happens if you offer a mobile option to your web panel? Evidence from a probability-based panel of internet users
V Toepoel, P Lugtig
Social Science Computer Review 32 (4), 544-560, 2014
Estimating nonresponse bias and mode effects in a mixed-mode survey
P Lugtig, GJLM Lensvelt-Mulders, R Frerichs, A Greven
International Journal of Market Research 53 (5), 669-686, 2011
Understanding willingness to share smartphone-sensor data
B Struminskaya, V Toepoel, P Lugtig, M Haan, A Luiten, B Schouten
Public Opinion Quarterly 84 (3), 725-759, 2020
Online surveys are mixed-device surveys. Issues associated with the use of different (mobile) devices in web surveys
V Toepoel, P Lugtig
methods, data, analyses 9 (2), 8, 2015
Doing a time use survey on smartphones only: What factors predict nonresponse at different stages of the survey process?
A Elevelt, P Lugtig, V Toepoel
Survey Research Methods 13 (2), 195-213, 2019
Augmenting surveys with data from sensors and apps: Opportunities and challenges
B Struminskaya, P Lugtig, F Keusch, JK Höhne
Social Science Computer Review, 0894439320979951, 2020
The unique roles of intrapersonal and social factors in adolescent smoking development.
IN Defoe, J Semon Dubas, LH Somerville, P Lugtig, MAG van Aken
Developmental Psychology 52 (12), 2044, 2016
Mobile-only web survey respondents. Survey Practice, 9 (4), 1–8
P Lugtig, V Toepoel, A Amin
The role of perceived peer norms in the relationship between media violence exposure and adolescents' aggression
KM Fikkers, JT Piotrowski, P Lugtig, PM Valkenburg
Media Psychology 19 (1), 4-26, 2016
Modularization in an era of mobile web: investigating the effects of cutting a survey into smaller pieces on data quality
V Toepoel, P Lugtig
Social Science Computer Review 40 (1), 150-164, 2022
Sharing Data Collected with Smartphone Sensors: Willingness, Participation, and Nonparticipation Bias
B Struminskaya, P Lugtig, V Toepoel, B Schouten, D Giesen, R Dolmans
Public opinion quarterly 85 (S1), 423-462, 2021
Dropouts in Longitudinal Surveys
ED de Leeuw, P Lugtig
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 2014
Predicting transitions in low and high levels of risk behavior from early to middle adolescence: the TRAILS study
K Monshouwer, Z Harakeh, P Lugtig, A Huizink, HE Creemers, ...
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 40, 923-931, 2012
Where you at? Using GPS locations in an electronic time use diary study to derive functional locations
A Elevelt, W Bernasco, P Lugtig, S Ruiter, V Toepoel
Social Science Computer Review 39 (4), 509-526, 2021
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Articles 1–20