dr Mieke T.A. Lopes Cardozo
dr Mieke T.A. Lopes Cardozo
Senior Lecturer Education and Inclusive Development, University of Amsterdam
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Conflict, education and the global south: New critical directions
M Novelli, MTAL Cardozo
International Journal of Educational Development 28 (4), 473-488, 2008
The 4Rs framework: Analyzing education’s contribution to sustainable peacebuilding with social justice in conflict-affected contexts
M Novelli, MTA Lopes Cardozo, A Smith
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, 2017
A theoretical framework for analysing the contribution of education to sustainable peacebuilding: 4Rs in conflict-affected contexts
M Novelli, M Lopes Cardozo, A Smith
University Of Amsterdam, Available online: http://learningforpeace. unicef …, 2015
Education and social change in post-conflict and post-disaster Aceh, Indonesia
R Shah, ML Cardozo
International Journal of Educational Development 38, 2-12, 2014
Sri Lanka: In peace or in pieces? A critical approach to peace education in Sri Lanka
MTAL Cardozo
Research in Comparative and International Education 3 (1), 19-35, 2008
COVID-19, poverty and inclusive development
J Gupta, M Bavinck, M Ros-Tonen, K Asubonteng, H Bosch, E van Ewijk, ...
World Development 145, 105527, 2021
Losing ground: a critical analysis of teachers’ agency for peacebuilding education in Sri Lanka
MTA Lopes Cardozo, CCMQ Hoeks
Journal of Peace Education 12 (1), 56-73, 2015
A conceptual framework to analyse the multiscalar politics of education for sustainable peacebuilding
MTA Lopes Cardozo, R Shah
Comparative Education 52 (4), 516-537, 2016
EJT Lopes Cardozo, M. T. A., & Maber
M. T. A. Lopes Cardozo, & E. J. T. Maber (Eds.), Sustainable Peacebuilding …, 2019
Future teachers and social change in Bolivia: Between decolonisation and demonstration
TA Lopes Cardozo
DelftEburon, 2011
Reclaiming reconciliation through community education for the Muslims and Tamils of post-war Jaffna, Sri Lanka
R Duncan, ML Cardozo
Research in Comparative and International Education 12 (1), 76-94, 2017
‘The fruit caught between two stones’: the conflicted position of teachers within Aceh’s independence struggle
MTAL Cardozo, R Shah
Education, Conflict, and Globalisation, 5-18, 2018
Literature review: Youth agency, peacebuilding and education
MTA Lopes Cardozo, S Higgins, E Maber, CO Brandt, N Kusmallah, ...
Research Consortium Education and Peace-building. University of Amsterdam …, 2015
Transforming pre-service teacher education in Bolivia: From indigenous denial to decolonisation?
MTA Lopes Cardozo
Compare: A journal of comparative and international education 42 (5), 751-772, 2012
Education in emergencies: Tracing the emergence of a field
ML Cardozo, M Novelli
Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues …, 2018
Teachers in a Bolivian context of conflict: potential actors for or against change?
MTA Lopes Cardozo
Globalisation, Societies and Education 7 (4), 409-432, 2009
Analysing the spectrum of female education leaders’ agency in Islamic boarding schools in post-conflict Aceh, Indonesia
MTA Lopes Cardozo, E Srimulyani
Gender and Education 33 (7), 847-863, 2018
The politics of education in emergencies and conflict
R Shah, ML Cardozo
Education and international development: An introduction 199, 181, 2015
The'4 Rs' as a tool for critical policy analysis of the education sector in conflict affected states
M Novelli, M Lopes Cardozo, A Smith
Education and Conflict Review 2, 70-75, 2019
Transformative teachers or teachers to be transformed? The cases of Bolivia and Timor-Leste
R Shah, MTAL Cardozo
Research in Comparative and International Education 11 (2), 208-221, 2016
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