Nikolaos I. Dourvas
Nikolaos I. Dourvas
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
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Hardware Acceleration of Cellular Automata Physarum polycephalum Model
N Dourvas, MA Tsompanas, GC Sirakoulis, P Tsalides
Parallel Processing Letters 25 (01), 1540006, 2015
Accelerating fuzzy cellular automata for modeling crowd dynamics
I Gerakakis, P Gavriilidis, NI Dourvas, IG Georgoudas, GA Trunfio, ...
Journal of Computational Science 32, 125-140, 2019
Parallel implementation of aircraft disembarking and emergency evacuation based on cellular automata
T Giitsidis, NI Dourvas, GC Sirakoulis
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 31 (2 …, 2017
Physarum machines imitating a Roman road network: the 3D approach
V Evangelidis, J Jones, N Dourvas, MA Tsompanas, GC Sirakoulis, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7010, 2017
Cellular automaton Belousov–Zhabotinsky model for binary full adder
NI Dourvas, GC Sirakoulis, A Adamatzky
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27 (06), 1750089, 2017
Spatial games and memory effects on crowd evacuation behavior with cellular automata
M Mitsopoulou, NI Dourvas, GC Sirakoulis, K Nishinari
Journal of Computational Science 32, 87-98, 2019
Parallel implementation of a cellular automata-based model for simulating assisted evacuation of elderly people
K Konstantara, NI Dourvas, IG Georgoudas, GC Sirakoulis
2016 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2016
Parallel accelerated virtual physarum lab based on cellular automata agents
NI Dourvas, GC Sirakoulis, AI Adamatzky
IEEE Access 7, 98306-98318, 2019
Gpu implementation of physarum cellular automata model
NI Dourvas, GC Sirakoulis, P Tsalides
AIP Conference Proceedings 1648 (1), 2015
Cellular automata model for crowd behavior management in airports
M Mitsopoulou, N Dourvas, IG Georgoudas, GC Sirakoulis
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 13th International Conference …, 2020
Cellular automata applications in shortest path problem
MAI Tsompanas, NI Dourvas, K Ioannidis, GC Sirakoulis, R Hoffmann, ...
Shortest Path Solvers. From Software to Wetware, 199-237, 2018
A survey for image based methods in construction: from images to digital twins
I Koulalis, N Dourvas, T Triantafyllidis, K Ioannidis, S Vrochidis, ...
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia …, 2022
A Inhibitor Sensitive, Collision Based Switching Like Transistor Element Using Periodic Traveling Waves and Cellular Automata.
NI Dourvas, GC Sirakoulis
International Journal of Unconventional Computing 13, 2018
Introducing chemotaxis to a mobile robot
C Semertzidou, NI Dourvas, MA Tsompanas, A Adamatzky, GC Sirakoulis
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 12th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2016
Parallel acceleration of slime mould discrete models
NI Dourvas, MAI Tsompanas, GC Sirakoulis
Advances in Physarum Machines: Sensing and Computing with Slime Mould, 595-617, 2016
Hardware implementation of a biomimicking hybrid ca
M Madikas, MA Tsompanas, N Dourvas, GC Sirakoulis, J Jones, ...
Cellular Automata: 13th International Conference on Cellular Automata for …, 2018
Cellular Automata Ants
NP Bitsakidis, NI Dourvas, SA Chatzichristofis, GC Sirakoulis
Advances in Unconventional Computing: Volume 2: Prototypes, Models and …, 2017
A GPGPU physarum cellular automaton model
NI Dourvas, GC Sirakoulis, P Tsalides
Appl. Math 10 (6), 2055-2069, 2016
Unconventional bio-inspired model for design of logic gates
T Floros, KA Tsakalos, N Dourvas, MA Tsompanas, GC Sirakoulis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.05767, 2020
Predicting Consumer Service Price Evolution during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Optimized Machine Learning Approach
T Papadopoulos, I Kosmas, G Botsoglou, NI Dourvas, C Maga-Nteve, ...
Electronics 12 (18), 3806, 2023
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