Hrishikesh Salunkhe
Cited by
Cited by
Cooperative automated maneuvering at the 2016 grand cooperative driving challenge
J Ploeg, E Semsar-Kazerooni, AIM Medina, JFCM de Jongh, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (4), 1213-1226, 2017
Mode-controlled dataflow based modeling & analysis of a 4g-lte receiver
H Salunkhe, O Moreira, K van Berkel
2014 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 1-4, 2014
Buffer allocation for real-time streaming on a multi-processor without back-pressure
H Salunkhe, O Moreira, K van Berkel
2014 IEEE 12th Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-time Multimedia …, 2014
Mode-controlled data-flow modeling of real-time memory controllers
Y Li, H Salunkhe, J Bastos, O Moreira, B Akesson, K Goossens
2015 13th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems For Real-time Multimedia …, 2015
Buffer allocation for real-time streaming applications running on heterogeneous multi-processors without back-pressure
H Salunkhe, A Lele, O Moreira, K van Berkel
Journal of Systems Architecture 62, 24-37, 2016
Mode-controlled dataflow based buffer allocation for real-time streaming applications running on a multi-processor without back-pressure
HL Salunkhe, A Lele, O Moreira, CH van Berkel
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2015
Modeling and buffer analysis of real-time streaming radio applications scheduled on heterogeneous multiprocessors
HL Salunkhe
Modeling & analysis of an LTE-Advanced receiver using mode-controlled dataflow
H Salunkhe, O Moreira, K van Berkel
Microprocessors and Microsystems 47, 216-230, 2016
Buffer allocation for dynamic real-time streaming applications running on a multi-processor without back-pressure
H Salunkhe, A Lele, O Moreira, K van Berkel
2015 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 250-254, 2015
OSPERT 2015 Program
R Leibinger, C Dietrich, M Hoffmann, D Lohmann, A McMenamin, ...
OSPERT 2015, 64, 2015
Preliminary design and validation of a modular framework for predictable composition of medical imaging applications
M van den Heuvel, SC Cracana, HL Salunkhe, JJ Lukkien, A Lele, ...
OSPERT 2015, 37, 2015
Buffer-aware scheduling of modal radio graphs
HL Salunkhe, O Moreira, CH van Berkel
ICT. OPEN 2012, 2012
Bokode Based Fiducial Augmented Reality System
H Salunkhe, G de Haan, IF de Bruijn, H Schmeitz
Development of Platform-Independent System for Cooperative Automated Driving Evaluated in GCDC 2016.......................... S. Kokogias, L. Svensson, G. Collares Pereira, R …
J Ploeg, C Englund, H Nijmeijer, E Semsar-Kazerooni, SE Shladover, ...
LTE Modeling using MCDF
H Salunkhe, O Moreira, K van Berkel
ISSN 0926-4515 All rights reserved editors: prof. dr. PME De Bra prof. dr. ir. JJ van Wijk
H Salunkhe, O Moreira, K van Berkel
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Articles 1–16