Rene Krikhaar
Rene Krikhaar
Associate Professor Software Engineering, VU University Amsterdam
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor cs.vu.nl
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A relational approach to support software architecture analysis
L Feijs, R Krikhaar, RV Ommering
Software: Practice and Experience 28 (4), 371-400, 1998
Software architecture reconstruction
RL Krikhaar
Philips Electronics, 1999
Reverse architecting approach for complex systems
RL Krikhaar
1997 Proceedings International Conference on Software Maintenance, 4-11, 1997
A two-phase process for software architecture improvement
R Krikhaar, A Postma, A Sellink, M Stroucken, C Verhoef
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance-1999 (ICSM …, 1999
Representing variability in a family of MRI scanners
M Jaring, RL Krikhaar, J Bosch
Software: Practice and Experience 34 (1), 69-100, 2004
Modeling variability and testability interaction in software product line engineering
M Jaring, RL Krikhaar, J Bosch
Seventh International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems …, 2008
An analysis of unit tests of a flight software product line
D Ganesan, M Lindvall, D McComas, M Bartholomew, S Slegel, B Medina, ...
Science of Computer Programming 78 (12), 2360-2380, 2013
Languages for formalizing, visualizing and verifying software architectures
R Van Ommering, R Krikhaar, L Feijs
Computer languages 27 (1-3), 3-18, 2001
Software engineering technology innovation–Turning research results into industrial success
T Punter, RL Krikhaar, RJ Bril
Journal of Systems and Software 82 (6), 993-1003, 2009
Maintaining a legacy: towards support at the architectural level
RJ Bril, LMG Feijs, A Glas, RL Krikhaar, MTRM Winter
Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice 12 (3), 143-170, 2000
Relation algebra with multi-relations
L Feijs, RL Krikhaar
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 70 (1), 57-74, 1998
Enabling system evolution through configuration management on the hardware/software boundary
R Krikhaar, W Mosterman, N Veerman, C Verhoef
Systems Engineering 12 (3), 233-264, 2009
Architecture analysis tools to support evolution of large industrial systems
T Rotschke, R Krikhaar
International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2002. Proceedings., 182-191, 2002
Embedding architectural support in industry
RJ Bril, A Postma, RL Krikhaar
International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2003. ICSM 2003 …, 2003
Software configuration management
R Krikhaar, I Crnković
Science of computer programming 65 (3), 215-221, 2007
Architectural support in industry: a reflection using C‐POSH
RJ Bril, RL Krikhaar, A Postma
Journal of software maintenance and evolution: research and practice 17 (1 …, 2005
Architecture comprehension tools for a PBX system
RL Krikhaar, RP De Jong, JP Medema, LMG Feija
Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Software Maintenance and …, 1999
Managing software development information in global configuration management activities
R Capilla, JC Dueñas, R Krikhaar
Systems Engineering 15 (3), 241-254, 2012
Hiding expressed using relation algebra with multi-relations-oblique lifting and lowering for unbalanced systems
RJ Bril, LMG Feijs, A Glas, RL Krikhaar, T Winter
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Software Maintenance and …, 2000
Sustainable technology transfer
T Punter, RL Krikhaar, RJ Bril
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software technology …, 2006
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