Edoardo Saccenti
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Cited by
NMR spectroscopy for metabolomics research
AH Emwas, R Roy, RT McKay, L Tenori, E Saccenti, GAN Gowda, ...
Metabolites 9 (7), 123, 2019
Double-check: validation of diagnostic statistics for PLS-DA models in metabolomics studies
E Szymańska, E Saccenti, AK Smilde, JA Westerhuis
Metabolomics 8, 3-16, 2012
Reflections on univariate and multivariate analysis of metabolomics data
E Saccenti, HCJ Hoefsloot, AK Smilde, JA Westerhuis, MMWB Hendriks
Metabolomics 10, 361-374, 2014
From correlation to causation: analysis of metabolomics data using systems biology approaches
A Rosato, L Tenori, M Cascante, PR De Atauri Carulla, ...
Metabolomics 14, 1-20, 2018
The metabonomic signature of celiac disease
I Bertini, A Calabro, V De Carli, C Luchinat, S Nepi, B Porfirio, D Renzi, ...
Journal of proteome research 8 (1), 170-177, 2009
Individual human phenotypes in metabolic space and time
P Bernini, I Bertini, C Luchinat, S Nepi, E Saccenti, H Schäfer, ...
Journal of proteome research 8 (9), 4264-4271, 2009
Recommended strategies for spectral processing and post-processing of 1D 1H-NMR data of biofluids with a particular focus on urine
AH Emwas, E Saccenti, X Gao, RT McKay, VAPM Dos Santos, R Roy, ...
Metabolomics 14, 1-23, 2018
Corruption of the Pearson correlation coefficient by measurement error and its estimation, bias, and correction under different error models
E Saccenti, MHWB Hendriks, AK Smilde
Scientific reports 10 (1), 438, 2020
The power of microbiome studies: some considerations on which alpha and beta metrics to use and how to report results
JG Kers, E Saccenti
Frontiers in microbiology 12, 796025, 2022
Patient’s characteristics and outcomes in necrotising soft-tissue infections: results from a Scandinavian, multicentre, prospective cohort study
MB Madsen, S Skrede, A Perner, P Arnell, M Nekludov, T Bruun, ...
Intensive care medicine 45, 1241-1251, 2019
Identification of a serum-detectable metabolomic fingerprint potentially correlated with the presence of micrometastatic disease in early breast cancer patients at varying …
C Oakman, L Tenori, WM Claudino, S Cappadona, S Nepi, A Battaglia, ...
Annals of Oncology 22 (6), 1295-1301, 2011
Correlating infant fecal microbiota composition and human milk oligosaccharide consumption by microbiota of 1‐month‐old breastfed infants
K Borewicz, F Gu, E Saccenti, ICW Arts, J Penders, C Thijs, ...
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 63 (13), 1801214, 2019
The association between breastmilk oligosaccharides and faecal microbiota in healthy breastfed infants at two, six, and twelve weeks of age
K Borewicz, F Gu, E Saccenti, C Hechler, R Beijers, C de Weerth, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 4270, 2020
Approaches to sample size determination for multivariate data: Applications to PCA and PLS-DA of omics data
E Saccenti, ME Timmerman
Journal of proteome research 15 (8), 2379-2393, 2016
Impact of a wastewater treatment plant on microbial community composition and function in a hyporheic zone of a eutrophic river
S Atashgahi, R Aydin, MR Dimitrov, D Sipkema, K Hamonts, L Lahti, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17284, 2015
Age and sex effects on plasma metabolite association networks in healthy subjects
A Vignoli, L Tenori, C Luchinat, E Saccenti
Journal of proteome research 17 (1), 97-107, 2018
Diurnal dynamics of gaseous and dissolved metabolites and microbiota composition in the bovine rumen
HJ Van Lingen, JE Edwards, JD Vaidya, S Van Gastelen, E Saccenti, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 425, 2017
Association between psychosocial stress and fecal microbiota in pregnant women
C Hechler, K Borewicz, R Beijers, E Saccenti, M Riksen-Walraven, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4463, 2019
Milk metabolomics data reveal the energy balance of individual dairy cows in early lactation
W Xu, J Vervoort, E Saccenti, R van Hoeij, B Kemp, A van Knegsel
Scientific reports 8 (1), 15828, 2018
Geochemical and microbial community determinants of reductive dechlorination at a site biostimulated with glycerol
S Atashgahi, Y Lu, Y Zheng, E Saccenti, M Suarez‐Diez, J Ramiro‐Garcia, ...
Environmental microbiology 19 (3), 968-981, 2017
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Articles 1–20