Francis O'Connor
Francis O'Connor
Wageningen University and Research
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End of the lone wolf: The typology that should not have been
B Schuurman, L Lindekilde, S Malthaner, F O'Connor, P Gill, N Bouhana
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 42 (8), 771-778, 2019
Late Neoliberalism and its Discontents in the Economic Crisis Comparing Social Movements in the European Periphery
D della Porta, TF Massimiliano Andretta, F O'Connor, E Romano, ...
Social movements and referendums from below: Direct democracy in the neoliberal crisis
D Della Porta, F O’Connor, M Portos, AS Ribas
Social Movements and Referendums from Below, 2017
Late neoliberalism and its indignados: Contention in austerity Spain
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late Neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: comparing …, 2017
Radicalization patterns and modes of attack planning and preparation among lone-actor terrorists: an exploratory analysis
L Lindekilde, F O’Connor, B Schuurman
Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 11 (2), 113-133, 2019
Peripheral and embedded: Relational patterns of lone-actor terrorist radicalization
L Lindekilde, S Malthaner, F O’Connor
Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict 12 (1), 20-41, 2019
Communal violence and ethnic polarization before and after the 2015 elections in Turkey: attacks against the HDP and the Kurdish population
F O’Connor, B Baser
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 18 (1), 53-72, 2018
Neoliberalism and its discontents in Italy: protests without movement?
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Protest cycles and referendums for independence. Closed opportunities and the path of radicalization in Catalonia
D Della Porta, F O’Connor, M Portos
Revista Internacional de Sociología 77 (4), 142, 2019
Turbulent flow: Anti-austerity mobilization in Greece
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Late neoliberalism and its discontents: An introduction
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing …, 2017
PKK violence against civilians: Beyond the individual, understanding collective targeting
J Masullo, F O’connor
Terrorism and political violence 32 (1), 77-99, 2020
The Kurdish Movement in Turkey. Between Political Differentiation and Violent Confrontation
F O'Connnor
PRIF Report, 2017
The presence and absence of protest in austerity Ireland
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late Neoliberalism and Its Discontents in the Economic Crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Understanding insurgency: popular support for the PKK in Turkey
F O'Connor
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Outsiders twice over in Kurdistan
F O’Connor, S Celik
Methodological approaches in Kurdish studies: Theoretical and practical …, 2018
Late neoliberalism and its discontents: A comparative conclusion
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Preconflict mobilization strategies and urban-rural transition: the cases of the Pkk and the Fln/Ezln
FP O'Connor, L Oikonomakis
Mobilization: an international quarterly 20 (3), 379-399, 2015
The framing of secessionism in the neo-liberal crisis: the Scottish and Catalan cases
D Della Porta, F O’Connor, M Portos
Between democracy and law, 155-172, 2019
Italy, no country for acting alone? Lone actor radicalisation in the Neo-fascist milieu
PC Gattinara, F O’Connor, L Lindekilde
Perspectives on Terrorism 12 (6), 136-149, 2018
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Articles 1–20