Thijs van Laarhoven
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Cited by
Audio‐visual speech in noise perception in dyslexia
T van Laarhoven, M Keetels, L Schakel, J Vroomen
Developmental Science, 2016
Atypical visual-auditory predictive coding in autism spectrum disorder: Electrophysiological evidence from stimulus omissions
T van Laarhoven, JJ Stekelenburg, MLJM Eussen, J Vroomen
Autism, 1362361320926061, 2020
Increased sub-clinical levels of autistic traits are associated with reduced multisensory integration of audiovisual speech
T van Laarhoven, JJ Stekelenburg, J Vroomen
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 9535, 2019
Temporal and Identity Prediction in Visual-Auditory Events: Electrophysiological Evidence from Stimulus Omissions
T van Laarhoven, JJ Stekelenburg, J Vroomen
Brain Research, 2017
Electrophysiological alterations in motor‐auditory predictive coding in autism spectrum disorder
T van Laarhoven, JJ Stekelenburg, MLJM Eussen, J Vroomen
Autism Research 12 (4), 589-599, 2019
Fluidity in the perception of auditory speech: Cross-modal recalibration of voice gender and vowel identity by a talking face
MA Burgering, T van Laarhoven, M Baart, J Vroomen
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (6), 957-967, 2020
Suppression of the auditory N1 by visual anticipatory motion is modulated by temporal and identity predictability
T van Laarhoven, JJ Stekelenburg, J Vroomen
Psychophysiology 58 (3), e13749, 2021
Want to quickly adapt to distorted speech and become a better listener? Read lips, not text
F Pourhashemi, M Baart, T van Laarhoven, J Vroomen
Plos one 17 (12), e0278986, 2022
Synaesthesia and its relation to social and sensory aspects of autism
T van Leeuwen, M Koolen, J Neufeld, T van Laarhoven, R van Lier
Perception 51 (1), 154, 2022
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Articles 1–9