Elia Formisano
Elia Formisano
Maastricht Brain Imaging Center, Maastricht University
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Mapping directed influence over the brain using Granger causality and fMRI
A Roebroeck, E Formisano, R Goebel
Neuroimage 25 (1), 230-242, 2005
Analysis of functional image analysis contest (FIAC) data with brainvoyager QX: From single‐subject to cortically aligned group general linear model analysis and self …
R Goebel, F Esposito, E Formisano
Human brain mapping 27 (5), 392-401, 2006
Activation of Heschl’s gyrus during auditory hallucinations
T Dierks, DEJ Linden, M Jandl, E Formisano, R Goebel, H Lanfermann, ...
Neuron 22 (3), 615-621, 1999
Investigating directed cortical interactions in time-resolved fMRI data using vector autoregressive modeling and Granger causality mapping
R Goebel, A Roebroeck, DS Kim, E Formisano
Magnetic resonance imaging 21 (10), 1251-1261, 2003
Functional connectivity as revealed by spatial independent component analysis of fMRI measurements during rest
VG van de Ven, E Formisano, D Prvulovic, CH Roeder, DEJ Linden
Human brain mapping 22 (3), 165-178, 2004
Integration of letters and speech sounds in the human brain
N Van Atteveldt, E Formisano, R Goebel, L Blomert
Neuron 43 (2), 271-282, 2004
" Who" is saying" what"? Brain-based decoding of human voice and speech
E Formisano, F De Martino, M Bonte, R Goebel
Science 322 (5903), 970-973, 2008
The functional neuroanatomy of target detection: an fMRI study of visual and auditory oddball tasks
DEJ Linden, D Prvulovic, E Formisano, M Völlinger, FE Zanella, R Goebel, ...
Cerebral cortex 9 (8), 815-823, 1999
Combining multivariate voxel selection and support vector machines for mapping and classification of fMRI spatial patterns
F De Martino, G Valente, N Staeren, J Ashburner, R Goebel, E Formisano
Neuroimage 43 (1), 44-58, 2008
Individual faces elicit distinct response patterns in human anterior temporal cortex
N Kriegeskorte, E Formisano, B Sorger, R Goebel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (51), 20600-20605, 2007
Mirror-symmetric tonotopic maps in human primary auditory cortex
E Formisano, DS Kim, F Di Salle, PF Van de Moortele, K Ugurbil, ...
Neuron 40 (4), 859-869, 2003
Independent component analysis of fMRI group studies by self-organizing clustering
F Esposito, T Scarabino, A Hyvarinen, J Himberg, E Formisano, S Comani, ...
Neuroimage 25 (1), 193-205, 2005
Classification of fMRI independent components using IC-fingerprints and support vector machine classifiers
F De Martino, F Gentile, F Esposito, M Balsi, F Di Salle, R Goebel, ...
Neuroimage 34 (1), 177-194, 2007
Tracking the mind's image in the brain I: time-resolved fMRI during visuospatial mental imagery
E Formisano, DEJ Linden, F Di Salle, L Trojano, F Esposito, AT Sack, ...
Neuron 35 (1), 185-194, 2002
The identification of interacting networks in the brain using fMRI: model selection, causality and deconvolution
A Roebroeck, E Formisano, R Goebel
Neuroimage 58 (2), 296-302, 2011
Neural correlates of verbal feedback processing: an fMRI study employing overt speech
IK Christoffels, E Formisano, NO Schiller
Human brain mapping 28 (9), 868-879, 2007
An anatomical and functional topography of human auditory cortical areas
M Moerel, F De Martino, E Formisano
Frontiers in neuroscience 8, 225, 2014
The effect of temporal asynchrony on the multisensory integration of letters and speech sounds
NM Van Atteveldt, E Formisano, L Blomert, R Goebel
Cerebral cortex 17 (4), 962-974, 2007
Encoding of natural sounds at multiple spectral and temporal resolutions in the human auditory cortex
R Santoro, M Moerel, F De Martino, R Goebel, K Ugurbil, E Yacoub, ...
PLoS computational biology 10 (1), e1003412, 2014
Acute stress and food-related reward activation in the brain during food choice during eating in the absence of hunger
JM Born, SGT Lemmens, F Rutters, AG Nieuwenhuizen, E Formisano, ...
International journal of obesity 34 (1), 172-181, 2010
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Articles 1–20