Shuangquan ZOU
Cited by
Cited by
A deep neural network approach for accurate 3D shape estimation of soft manipulator with vision correction
S Zou, Y Lyu, J Qi, G Ma, Y Guo
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 344, 113692, 2022
Adaptive finite-time model estimation and control for manipulator visual servoing using sliding mode control and neural networks
H Zeng, Y Lyu, J Qi, S Zou, T Qin, W Qin
Advanced Robotics 37 (9), 576-590, 2023
Observer-based reliable passive control for uncertain T–S fuzzy systems with time-delay
H Yan, J Wang, F Wang, Z Wang, S Zou
International Journal of Systems Science 50 (5), 905-918, 2019
Design and implement of shape detection for the soft manipulator
S Zou, Y Lv, Y Man, W Han
2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 3972-3977, 2020
An MPC-based Pose Control Framework of Multi-Section Soft Manipulator using Hybrid Jacobian Estimation
S Zou, Y Lyu, T Qin, G Ma, Y Guo, C Li
2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2023
MPC-based Position Control for Multi-Segment Pneumatic Soft Manipulator considering Obstacle Avoidance
S Zou, H Zhang, Y Lyu, Y Guo, G Ma
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2025
Adaptive Finite-Time Model Estimation and Control for Manipulator Visual Servoing using Sliding Mode Control and Neural Networks
H Zeng, Y Lyu, J Qi, S Zou, T Qin, W Qin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.11178, 2022
A Novel Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Controller Baesd on Model-Free Adaptive Control Method with Neural Network
H Zeng, Y Lyu, J Qi, S Zou, T Qin, W Qin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.11209, 2022
Kinematics Modeling and Motion Planning of Continuum Manipulator
Y Zhu, H Zeng, S Zou, Y Lv
International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems, 3515-3524, 2022
A real-time 3D centerline estimation framework for multi-section soft manipulator based on stereo vision
S Zou, Y Lyu, Q Guan, L Liu, G Ma
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 24 (2), 46-56, 2022
Tripropellant Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Modeling and Switched Finite-time Control
L Rong, Y Man, Y Lv, S Zou
2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2101-2106, 2020
A novel shape detection method for continuum soft manipulator based on cable encoders
H Yan
2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 4709-4714, 2019
Reliable Static Output Feedback Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Systems with Time-Delay
S Zou, H Yan, L Zhang
Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference, 407-413, 2017
Real-time 3D shape recognition for multi-section soft manipulator based on SOM algorithm
S Zou, Y Lyu, Q Guan, L Liu, G Ma
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Articles 1–14