Paolo Reggiani
Paolo Reggiani
FRMetS, University of Siegen, Germany, WMO SERCOM HYD
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Development of a European flood forecasting system
ADPJ De Roo, B Gouweleeuw, J Thielen, J Bartholmes, ...
International Journal of River Basin Management 1 (1), 49-59, 2003
A unifying framework for watershed thermodynamics: balance equations for mass, momentum, energy and entropy, and the second law of thermodynamics
P Reggiani, M Sivapalan, SM Hassanizadeh
Advances in Water Resources 22 (4), 367-398, 1998
Post-processing ECMWF precipitation and temperature ensemble reforecasts for operational hydrologic forecasting at various spatial scales
JS Verkade, JD Brown, P Reggiani, AH Weerts
Journal of Hydrology 501, 73-91, 2013
Conservation equations governing hillslope responses: Exploring the physical basis of water balance
P Reggiani, M Sivapalan, SM Hassanizadeh
Water Resources Research 36 (7), 1845-1863, 2000
A unifying framework for watershed thermodynamics: constitutive relationships
P Reggiani, SM Hassanizadeh, M Sivapalan, WG Gray
Advances in Water Resources 23 (1), 15-39, 1999
Assessment of an ASTER-generated DEM for 2D hydrodynamic flood modeling
TH Tarekegn, AT Haile, T Rientjes, P Reggiani, D Alkema
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (6 …, 2010
Recent advances in flood forecasting and flood risk assessment
G Arduino, P Reggiani, E Todini
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 9 (4), 280-284, 2005
Flux parameterization in the representative elementary watershed approach: Application to a natural basin
P Reggiani, THM Rientjes
Water Resources Research 41 (4), 2005
Regionalisation for lake level simulation–the case of Lake Tana in the Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
THM Rientjes, BUJ Perera, AT Haile, P Reggiani, LP Muthuwatta
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (4), 1167-1183, 2011
A Bayesian approach to decision-making under uncertainty: An application to real-time forecasting in the river Rhine
P Reggiani, AH Weerts
Journal of Hydrology 356 (1-2), 56-69, 2008
Flood forecasting and warning at the river basin and at the European scale
M Werner, P Reggiani, AD Roo, P Bates, E Sprokkereef
Natural hazards 36, 25-42, 2005
Soil water hysteresis prediction model based on theory and geometric scaling.
R Haverkamp, P Reggiani, PJ Ross, JY Parlange
Uncertainty assessment via Bayesian revision of ensemble streamflow predictions in the operational river Rhine forecasting system
P Reggiani, M Renner, AH Weerts, P Van Gelder
Water Resources Research 45 (2), 2009
Coupled equations for mass and momentum balance in a stream network: theoretical derivation and computational experiments
P Reggiani, M Sivapalan, SM Hassanizadeh, WG Gray
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2001
Modelling of hydrological responses: the representative elementary watershed approach as an alternative blueprint for watershed modelling.
P Reggiani, J Schellekens
Performance of bias-correction schemes for CMORPH rainfall estimates in the Zambezi River basin
W Gumindoga, THM Rientjes, AT Haile, H Makurira, P Reggiani
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (7), 2915-2938, 2019
Uncertainty estimates by Bayesian method with likelihood of AR (1) plus Normal model and AR (1) plus Multi-Normal model in different time-scales hydrological models
L Li, CY Xu, J Xia, K Engeland, P Reggiani
Journal of Hydrology 406 (1-2), 54-65, 2011
A reflection on the long-term water balance of the Upper Indus Basin
P Reggiani, THM Rientjes
Hydrology research 46 (3), 446-462, 2015
Probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecast for flood prediction: An application
P Reggiani, AH Weerts
Journal of Hydrometeorology 9 (1), 76-95, 2008
Predictive uncertainty estimation of hydrological multi-model ensembles using pair-copula construction
B Klein, D Meissner, HU Kobialka, P Reggiani
Water 8 (4), 125, 2016
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