Justin D Chaffin
Justin D Chaffin
Stone Laboratory, Ohio State University
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Record-setting algal bloom in Lake Erie caused by agricultural and meteorological trends consistent with expected future conditions
AM Michalak, EJ Anderson, D Beletsky, S Boland, NS Bosch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (16), 6448-6452, 2013
Nitrogen constrains the growth of late summer cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Erie
JD Chaffin, TB Bridgeman, DL Bade
Advances in Microbiology 2013, 2013
A novel method for tracking western Lake Erie Microcystis blooms, 2002–2011
TB Bridgeman, JD Chaffin, JE Filbrun
Journal of Great Lakes Research 39 (1), 83-89, 2013
Interactions between nitrogen form, loading rate, and light intensity on Microcystis and Planktothrix growth and microcystin production
JD Chaffin, TW Davis, DJ Smith, MM Baer, GJ Dick
Harmful Algae 73, 84-97, 2018
From River to Lake: Phosphorus partitioning and algal community compositional changes in Western Lake Erie
TB Bridgeman, JD Chaffin, DD Kane, JD Conroy, SE Panek, PM Armenio
Journal of Great Lakes Research 38 (1), 90-97, 2012
Internal loading of phosphorus in western Lake Erie
G Matisoff, EM Kaltenberg, RL Steely, SK Hummel, J Seo, KJ Gibbons, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 42 (4), 775-788, 2016
Organic and inorganic nitrogen utilization by nitrogen-stressed cyanobacteria during bloom conditions
JD Chaffin, TB Bridgeman
Journal of Applied Phycology 26, 299-309, 2014
Assessment of Microcystis growth rate potential and nutrient status across a trophic gradient in western Lake Erie
JD Chaffin, TB Bridgeman, SA Heckathorn, S Mishra
Journal of Great Lakes Research 37 (1), 92-100, 2011
Summer phytoplankton nutrient limitation in Maumee Bay of Lake Erie during high-flow and low-flow years
JD Chaffin, TB Bridgeman, DL Bade, CN Mobilian
Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (3), 524-531, 2014
Cyanobacterial blooms in the central basin of Lake Erie: Potentials for cyanotoxins and environmental drivers
JD Chaffin, S Mishra, DD Kane, DL Bade, K Stanislawczyk, KN Slodysko, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 45 (2), 277-289, 2019
Science meets policy: a framework for determining impairment designation criteria for large waterbodies affected by cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms
TW Davis, R Stumpf, GS Bullerjahn, RML McKay, JD Chaffin, ...
Harmful algae 81, 59-64, 2019
Coastal upwelling influences hypoxia spatial patterns and nearshore dynamics in Lake Erie
MD Rowe, EJ Anderson, D Beletsky, CA Stow, SD Moegling, JD Chaffin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (8), 6154-6175, 2019
Elevated pH Conditions Associated With Microcystis spp. Blooms Decrease Viability of the Cultured Diatom Fragilaria crotonensis and Natural Diatoms in Lake Erie
BN Zepernick, ER Gann, RM Martin, HL Pound, LE Krausfeldt, JD Chaffin, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 598736, 2021
Accuracy of data buoys for measurement of cyanobacteria, chlorophyll, and turbidity in a large lake (Lake Erie, North America): implications for estimation of cyanobacterial …
JD Chaffin, DD Kane, K Stanislawczyk, EM Parker
Environmental science and pollution research 25, 25175-25189, 2018
Quantifying and reducing uncertainty in estimated microcystin concentrations from the ELISA method
SS Qian, JD Chaffin, MR DuFour, JJ Sherman, PC Golnick, CD Collier, ...
Environmental science & technology 49 (24), 14221-14229, 2015
Environmental controls on growth and lipid content for the freshwater diatom, Fragilaria capucina: A candidate for biofuel production
JD Chaffin, S Mishra, RM Kuhaneck, SA Heckathorn, TB Bridgeman
Journal of applied phycology 24, 1045-1051, 2012
Evidence against fluvial seeding of recurrent toxic blooms of Microcystis spp. in Lake Erie's western basin
OA Kutovaya, RML McKay, BFN Beall, SW Wilhelm, DD Kane, JD Chaffin, ...
Harmful Algae 15, 71-77, 2012
A space-time geostatistical model for probabilistic estimation of harmful algal bloom biomass and areal extent
S Fang, D Del Giudice, D Scavia, CE Binding, TB Bridgeman, JD Chaffin, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 133776, 2019
Burrowing mayfly (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae: Hexagenia spp.) bioturbation and bioirrigation: A source of internal phosphorus loading in Lake Erie
JD Chaffin, DD Kane
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (1), 57-63, 2010
Nitrogen cycling in Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie: oscillations between strong and weak export and implications for harmful algal blooms
KR Salk, GS Bullerjahn, RML McKay, JD Chaffin, NE Ostrom
Biogeosciences 15 (9), 2891-2907, 2018
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Articles 1–20