Tom Bakker
Tom Bakker
Netherlands eScience Center
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Good news for the future? Young people, Internet use, and political participation
TP Bakker, CH De Vreese
Communication research 38 (4), 451-470, 2011
FAIR principles for research software (FAIR4RS principles)
NPC Hong, DS Katz, M Barker, AL Lamprecht, C Martinez, ...
Citizens as political participants: The myth of the active online audience?
TP Bakker
The new frontiers of journalism: Citizen participation in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
T Bakker, C Paterson
Political Communication in Postmodern Democracy: Challenging the Primacy of …, 2011
The Context of Content: The Impact of Source and Setting on the Credibility of News
T Bakker, D Trilling, C de Vreese, L Helfer, K Schönbach
Recherches en Communication 40 (40), 151-168, 2013
Handboek nieuwe media: digitale technologieën begrijpen en gebruiken
T Bakker, P Bakker
Kluwer, 2011
Big data in small steps: Assessing the value of data
AFE van Veenstra, TP Bakker, J Esmeijer
ECP-jaarcongres 2013, 2013
Thriving and surviving in a data-driven society
J Esmeijer, TP Bakker, SGE de Munck
TNO, 2013
Active audiences and an inclusive online public sphere: Truths about internet myths
T Bakker, K Schönbach, C de Vreese
International Communication Association. Boston: USA, 2011
Research Software Directory
JH Spaaks, T Klaver, S Verhoeven, J Maassen, P Pawar, W van Hage, ...
Zenodo, 2020
Data and the City
AF van Veenstra, J Esmeijer, TP Bakker, B Kotterink
Delft: TNO, 2014
Research software sustainability in the Netherlands: Current practices and recommendations
SV Eeuwijk, T Bakker, M Cruz, V Sarkol, B Vreede, B Aben, P Aerts, ...
Five Recommendations for “FAIR Software.”
C Martinez-Ortiz, M Kuzak, JH Spaaks, J Maassen, T Bakker
What’s journalism got to do with it? Political blogs and bloggers
T Bakker, K Schönbach, C de Vreese
Conference papers: International Communication Association: annual meeting 2010, 2010
eScience development and experiences in The Netherlands
W Hazeleger, T Bakker, R van Nieuwpoort
Informatik-Spektrum 41, 405-413, 2018
Painting the Picture of Software Impact with the Research Software Directory
JH Spaaks, T Klaver, S Verhoeven, J Maassen, T Bakker, A van der Ploeg, ...
2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 23-24, 2018
Survey on Research Software Engineering in the Netherlands
B van Werkhoven, T Bakker, O Philippe, S Hettrick
2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 38-39, 2018
From integrated care towards DIY Health–Combining person-centered health care delivery, mobile technology and entrepreneurship
D Klauw, M Weerd, T Bakker, J Esmeijer, B Kotterink, R Mooij
International Journal of Integrated Care 15 (5), 2015
Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability
J van Eijnatten, M Barker, V Azzara, T Bakker, MJ Cruz, DS Katz, ...
International Funders Workshop, 1-4, 2022
Research software sustainability in the Netherlands: Current practices and recommendations
T Bakker, M Cruz, S vanEeuwijk, VA Sarkol, B Vreede
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